Chapter 30

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A/n: smut alert!! Hope you're as ready as I am hehe

The pack spent the rest of the day together, just happy being in each other's company. That evening, after Obi and Béa had gone to bed, the pack settled on the couches in the lounge. It took a while for them all to decide on a film, but eventually, they chose a comedy and settled into a comfortable silence. María and Liam lay curled together in a large armchair, Varshini was drawing on the floor and Kira and Chèn lay on one sofa, sitting side by side. Sam could tell that Kira was hesitant about being too forward, knowing that Chèn had only just found his freedom, but she could hear Kira's heart beating from across the room.

She sighed loudly. She understood Kira's hesitation. Her own heart was sumersaulting in her chest. She was sat in the middle of a sofa, Aiden on one side, a slight gap between them. Tay on the other hand was curled into her side, comfortably resting their head on her shoulder. She felt contented, enjoying the feeling of Tay's hands intertwined with her own. But she couldn't ignore the electric tingles that were pulling her towards Aiden.

Tay's head slipped lower, resting on her chest.

"Your heart is literally beating out of your chest." Tay commented. 

"Until I do this," Tay stroked her thumb over the back of Sam's hand. "And then it slows down again, just for a little bit."

"I think the two of you have very different effects on me," Sam mindlinked back. "One of you excites me, the other grounds me. It's going to take me a while to get used to it."

Tay turned their purple eyes up to Sam.

"I think you two have some pressing matters that need sorting out." They wiggled their eyebrows in Aiden's direction.

He was completely unaware of their inner conversation, eyes intensely fixated on the screen. It was almost as if he was too focused. Sam heightened her senses, and sure enough, his heart was also going crazy.

On the other side of the room, Chèn suddenly sat up.

"I think I should go to bed." He specifically addressed Kira as he spoke. She quickly caught the hint, jumping up to follow him.

"Think that's our cue," Sam nudged Aiden with her thigh. He stood up immediately, stretching his arms above his head, causing the muscles in his back to ripple his t-shirt. Sam leaned down, kissing Tay on the forehead, before standing up too. She grasped Aiden's hand as he led her out of the lounge.

Aiden slammed his bedroom door behind him, eyes glinting black as Brae threatened to take control. He shoved Sam against the door, pinning her hands above her head as his lips dipped to her neck. She moaned against his touch, automatically bearing her neck to him.

Aiden lightly kissed her sweet spot, causing her hips to jolt, brushing against his. A groan erupted from his throat at the contact, and his spare hand moved down to capture her hips, pushing them against the door.

"You're going to be the death of me princess," he growled. His hand stayed on her hips, pinning them down whilst his thumb lifted her top, drawing circles on her skin. His sucked on the skin at her neck, appreciating the mewls that escaped her lips, then softly licked the mark.

He brought his head up, locking eyes with hers. Her pupils were fully dilated as she leaned forward. Aiden brought his hand down, caressing her jaw as he held her head in place.

"Princess, if we start, I'm not sure I'll be able to stop." He rested his forehead against her, trying to maintain control over himself.

"Then don't," At her reply his eyes shot up, locking with her intense gaze. Her irises flashed gold with her desire. His lips found hers immediately, a groan escaping him at the tingles that shot through his body. His tongue nudged at her lips, and she parted them, giving him full access. He took his time, exploring her mouth, softly sucking on her lips. The sensual kiss made her toes curl and she moaned into his mouth. 

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