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3rd Person's pov

He was panicking.

Saying he was collected in such a situation wouldve been a complete and utter lie. His pale complexion and jittering body gave it away, along with his fragile looking appearance and how he shrunk back on himself like he was afraid to touch anything. He was currently waiting outside of a small coffee shop just a few streets away from her house, fumbling with the strings on his hoodie to try and relieve some of the tension that was building up inside him. His lungs were against him, taking in sharp, quick breaths that agrivated the large bruising around his chest and stomach. His legs wobbled like jelly about to splatter, as he leaned against the the café walls in hopes of keeping his balance.

Ray glanced down at his phone, a pleading look in his eyes as they focused on reading the messages the albino had sent an hour or so ago with the time and place they were going to meet up at. But he had stopped trying when he noticed just how shaky his hands were. Letting out a wavering sigh, Ray shoved his hands (along with his phone) into the pockets of his hoodie.

Why did he agree to this? Honestly the raven didn't quite know, not like he had taken the time to question his actions when he snuck out. Truthfully, all that was rattling his brain right now were the list of consequences he'd be recieving for this once he got home, because there was no way in hell she'd fall for a stuffed bed full or clothes and pillows.

Ray shifted from one foot to the other, living out the uncomfortable silence as he looked down at the pavement, he could see his own reflection looking up at him, as the puddle in front of his feet shimmered when small rays of light hit its surface. The raven had done good covering up the cuts and bruises that were evident on his face. It had taken him several attempts to do it successfully, but once it was complete he himself couldn't see the wounds anymore, which he was grateful about.

'Where is he? He was suppose to be here 15 minutes ago...' The mute teens brows furrowed; had he been set up as some sort of prank? The more Ray thought about it the more realistic it seemed... Ray let out an inaudible whimper at the thought; he was praying that he was wrong. He tried convincing himself that Norman would be there any minute, but the more time passed the more doubtful he was becoming. 'Of course... I was set up. I shouldn't have expected anything different... This was probably all a joke to him anyways...'

The thought made his chest tighten suddenly. Feeling the urge to just up and run back home, he pushed himself off of the wall, wincing at the movement. The raven took a few steps forward, preparing himself for the painful walk home when he heard faint footsteps coming towards him quickly. With the little hope he had left, he glanced to the side, watching as the transfer student he was so anxiously waiting for sprinted towards him. 'He showed up.' A little surprised, he stood there patiently waiting for the platinum blonde to catch up.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late... Got- held up a bit..." Norman panted out, finally reaching the person he was meeting with. Ray placed his fringe behind his ears the polish teen taking in large amounts of air, as he propped his hands onto his knees for support. The raven hummed, sending a small it's okay text in reassurance that his lateness was fine, (even though moments prior he was on the verge of a mental break down).

The albino felt his phone buzz in his pocket, showing a drained smile as he shifted his gaze to lock onto the mysterious teenager in front of him. For the first time since the two had met, the mute teens eyes were completely showing, allowing Norman to drown in their dark green forest colour. They were beautiful, Norman couldn't argue against that, and they suited him so well he lost himself staring into them. They reminded him of a field dark at night, as weird as it sounded, Norman founding it comforting in a way. Ray had obviously noticed Norman's fixated gaze, and was beginning to grow uncomfortable under the stare of Norman's ocean eyes. Hesitantly, the raven raised his hand, waving it slowly in front of the pale boys face to try and grab his attention.

Lonely Eyes [Norman X Ray AU]Where stories live. Discover now