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3rd person's pov

_-𝟜,𝟘𝟙𝟝 𝕕𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕚𝕟 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘-_


Ray knew full well what the word meant, what it indicated, it was explained to him at a young age, just like many other things he's remembered over the years. It was a simple concept to wrap his head around, and the word supplied this somewhat relieving feeling, one of happiness and joy when people thought of it. Yet, the word was brimming with isolation and dejection in the raven's eyes, the word never filled him with any sense of contentment, it never made him happy knowing that that word didn't imply to him, it never made him happy knowing that he was alone.


He was highly aware of the fact that he was alone, that he was classed as a loner in the eyes of everyone around him. The stares and looks of pity he gained always seemed to reassure him that he was nothing, that there was no one by his side to support and shoulder all of his burdens and worries, that there never was and never will be someone to help him.

But he was fine with that, to some extent at least.

He couldn't change anything, he couldn't change himself for other people's fun or entertainment, nor did he want to. He was just him, Ray, the mute kid that sat at the back of the classroom, reading god knows what on a daily basis. He was lonely, and he had a strong belief that it would never change. The little ray of hope that he had left withered away a long time ago, and was left with an undeniable fact that no one in their right mind would attempt to understand him, to listen to his unspoken words.

"Good morning Ray."

That was... Until Norman showed up.

A flicker of anxiety flashed in Ray's eyes, as he lifted his head up from what he was reading to nod in response to the albino's greeting. He watched closely as the ocean eyed boy lingered near the entrance of the classroom, his figure being bombarded by students as they rushed over to talk with him. Though, that didn't seem to stop him from wandering his way towards his seat next to Ray.

Norman Minerva, the transfer student from Poland that just so happened to require a peculiar interest in the mystery boy of the school. Ray was unsure as to why this kept happening, why this transfer student seemed to be joint at the hip with him, never leaving his side during tutor or lessons until it was absolutely necessary, or until he was dragged away by a crowd of people that wanted his attention. This had been going on for days, almost an entire week now... Was he mocking him? What were his plans? Was he trying to gain his trust so that he could shred it to pieces in the future? It wouldn't have been the first time he'd had to deal with it if that were the case...

It was unclear to him, the more he questioned, the more the situations complexity seemed to increase by the second. He quietly groaned, his eyes landing back onto the book that was placed in front of him, as they skimmed the pages with an effort to retain the information or plot that was scattered on the pages. "Another fantasy book I see, I swear that's all you ever read."

How many times had he heard that?

Once? Twice? Ten times?

Ray narrowed his eyes at the platinum blonde, his head tilting to the side as he concentrated on unravelling the teen in front of him. 'Why is he talking to me? Who would want to talk to me of all people?' Even with all of his thinking, he couldn't figure it out. The only reasonable thing he could ponder was the idea that Norman was secretly an assassin here to kill him if he didn't speak. Perhaps he was after his mother's money? Or some secret that she possessed?

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