chapter 2

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It was late that night but my idiot brother practically drilled it into my head that I had to go to this boxing fight. Even though I literally own the club but here we are, about to leave to see some weak young shitty dickhead loose.

what was it he said?

oh yeah, "you cannot miss this, lightening is fighting, they have won every fight they had  since they started this month"
Not going to lie I was interrested slightly. Slightly and I mean it when I say slightly.

when we were sitting in the car, when Xavier kept blabbering on about some slut he fucked last night how shit she was, he seemed nervous when he said it though, may I add that he was about was bare sus. I completely acted like I was ignoring him but in reality I was listening secretly and interrested. Me in a realationship could never work not in this world, it would be too dangerous. Besides, I could get any women I wanted.

We arrived shortly after me and Xavier smoked a quick cigar.

we were in the backrooms drinking when I saw someone from a distance outside smoking,  She held a black duffle bag, she had her hair was down going past her waist you could tell it was all real. She glanced towards the window I was staring at her through, she turned her phone off assuming she was texting someone or calling someone then, she turned around.

fuck me sideways

My fucking god, she was fucking beautiful She looked Russian but she looked Italian as well.
She had grey/blue eyes almost like ice.
Fucking mesmerising you could get lost in them almost the colour of the ocean speaking of:

"No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes"

fucking love that song. ANYWAYS as I was saying in my mind, she had the most perfectly shaped body.
For me.

MIND: what no what the fuck no Xander do not get hard just to your thoughts of the poor girl.

My brother broke me away from my thoughts tapping me on the shoulder and the goddess had disappeared :(

"shows starting Xander" we left the backrooms going towards the boxing ring.

"ladies and gentlemen welcome to the finale fight of the night. Lightening vs Viper, She has 100 wins and never been beaten, will viper be the one to break the streak? We shall see!"

There is no way in hell she is winning shes a midget comapred to him, the viper.

The bell rang signalling the fight started.

They started to punch eachother, viper threw a few body shots to tier lightening out which miserbaly failed as she threw a huge right hook knocking him towards the outside of the ring. He stepped back towards her throwing more punches, one after another. She started to fight back punching his chest pushing him away so she could get her balance back properly. Suddenly, she started punching him more and more then got him into a headlock pushing him towards the ground. With a finale push, she kicked him and stood up freeing him from the headlock.

The bell rung again ending the match

"And the winner is...Lightening!" the referee said pointing towards Lightening.

"told you she never looses" Xavier said as we walked back towards the backrooms.

The referee stood handing people their money they won when Lightening, the girl I saw outside walked towards us.

"can I go now" she said in a blunt tone.

"um....yeah" the referee said in confusion.

what the shit she did not even get the money that was ten thousand dollars.

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