ch. 6

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Recap:"Hey guys" Charli says walking up to the group
(The group is Andrea,charli, Nessa,payton,and chase)
End of recap
(Changing the style of how I write
Others may be added)

Back to the story

N:Hi char
P: sup
Ch: hey
Y: hey char
C:let's eat lunch now I'm hungry
Y: finally someone said something I was bout to die of hunger
N: Andrea you were not going to die chill
Y: I will not chill I'm hungry
P: let's just go get lunch
Ch: yeah

You guys walk into the cafeteria with your lunch and Jaden waves you over.
You and the group walk over to Jaden and his friends.

J: hey guys

You all say hi and sit down at there table but the bitch squad walk over to you guys.

M:jj why are you letting these losers sit with you guys
J:1 don't call me jj 2 they're not losers 3 they can sit with us if they want and we invited them
M: why would you invite them
J: because they aren't fake
M: whatever

Mads and her goons walk away.

J:she's so annoying
Y:I feel you

Skip to after school cuz I'm lazy.
You are getting you bag out of you locker when Jaden walks up to you.

J: you ready to get ice cream
Y:yup let's go
J: kk

You guys walk out of the school and walk down the street to the ice cream shop and you guys walk in.

Employee: hey what can I get you today
Y: can I get a swirl cone
(If you don't know what a swirl is it is vanilla and chocolate swirled together)

Like this

J: can I get a chocolate coneEmployee: ok your total is $15

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J: can I get a chocolate cone
Employee: ok your total is $15.23
He hands her the money
Y: I wanted to pay
J: nope can't let you do that

You give him a pouty face

J: no don't give me that face

You stop

J: your cute
Y: thanks
Employee: here's your ice cream
J&Y: thanks

You guys walk out and across the street to a park and sit on a bench.

Y: thanks for the ice cream
J: it was no problem
Y: let me pay you back
J: no can do it was my treat
Y: please let me pay you back
J: no
Y: yes
J: no
Y: ok I give up

A/n: here's this I don't know what to say

Random crap of the day:

Random crap of the day:

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Word count:449

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