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N| andrea you coming
Y| ...................
N| omg why the hell would he do that I thought you guys had something going on
P| what's wrong guys
N| look over there
P| why the hell would he do that but you know what don't worry about him let's go have our sleepover and forget him

Y| ok *sniffle*

End of Recap.

You guys get to you house

Mom| hey guys
Y| Is is ok if we have a sleepover here
Mom| sure just don't eat us out of house and home
Y| thanks mom
Mom| your welcome but my I ask why are you crying
Y| you know Jaden
Mom| yeah
Y| well he was kissing mads
Mom| that is terrible
Y| yeah
Mom| ok well you kids have fun I'm in my room if you need anything.
Y| ok

You guys go up to your room and you sit down on your bed and so does Payton and charli.

P| you ok
Y| yeah I guess
Ch| come on don't lie to is we are your friends you can tell us anything
Y| ok I'm not ok I saw jaden kissing mads and it made me sad and angry
C| don't waste your time on him he isn't worth it
Y| thanks char
N| now let's eat ice cream and watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Y| ok

You guys binge watch 2 seasons of F.R.I.E.N.D.S and all of you fall asleep watching.

*Time skip to the morning*

You wake up to your phone ringing.
You look at the caller ID and it was an unknown number.

Unknown| Andrea

You better stay the hell away from my boy you slut

Who the hell are you

Mads you bitch stay away from jaden he is mine!!!

You can have him I don't want him ( you lied you really want him but you don't tell her that )

*Call ended*
Y| uhhhh
P| what wrong A *he says in his raspy morning voice*
Y| noth-
P| don't even try to lie
Y| mads she called me and told me to stay away from jaden and he is her's and all that shit
P| don't worry about them they are assholes
Y| ok ok
P| we don't have school today so how about after every one leaves I take you out we go eat and have fun
Y| sure I'm down
P| ok good now let's wake them up
Y| ok
n| ok no need to yell
Ch| yeah for real
C| damn y'all are loud

*Skip to after you all are ready*

For your make up you just wear maskara and lip balm
Your fit is the "stop looking at my dick" black sweat pants and the "stop looking at my titts" matching black hoodie

Word count: 468

Last LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora