Awkward Encounters

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As I enetered school and rushed my way to the class I was supposed to arrive in ten minutes ago, I couldn't help but peek through the halls into the teachers' room: Which is were my eyes accidentally met the dark brown orbs of a certain teacher. I looked him up an down, he was covered in skinnies and a tight black V-neck. Damn. He caught me staring and winked at me, not having a care in the world about what would happen if someone had perhaps spotted the action, and was on it's way telling everyone that I was that slut flirting with another teacher. I rolled my eyes, broke eye contact and stormed away. Royally pissed off at his cocky and arrogant behaviour, trying to keep my mind of his way-above-average looks.

Apart from all this confusing mind-fuckery with Mr. Barakat, today was just peculiar. English, which used to be my best subject, was letting me down, when I logged into a school computer to check my grades. I had failed last weeks test and I didn't quite get how, because I studied a fair amount of time and well, I wasn't that bad. Puzzled as of how this could have happened, I stumbled further on to the canteen to ask the cantina-lady for hot water to go with my noodles. As much as I tried this day, on my way to the canteen I couldn't avoid the teachers' room and once again, I had a highly awkward encounter.

"Oh my god I'm so..." As I figured who the person, now drenched in my noodles, was, I stopped in the middle of my sentence. "Oh..." I mumbled, "It's you." He just laughed at me.

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