Sick Little Games

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"It's me. Sharp observing, girl." Mr. Barakat patted my back, grinning widely. "What is a little less sharp," he spoke, "are your grades for English this week." He furrowed his thick brows and watched me intensly, with a look on his face that seemed a bit mocking. Like he was trying to control his laughter, but I didn't pay attention to that because I was genuinly interested in what happened to my grades. "Yeah, I don't understand it. Do you have any idea what the problem might be?" I asked, ignoring his fliratations. He leaned in closer and whispered, his warm breath tickling the skin behind my ear. "I think it would help, if you were to get some private lessons. After school, at my place?" He suggested, and I could feel him smirking in the crook of my neck.

So. That was where this was going.

This was what game he was playing.

Well, two can play that game.

"Sure." I stated, without any emotion, without any care in the world. "Fine with me."

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