Chapter 24

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"Nero, you're not a killer." Jennifer Jane softly says. "Any one of us would have killed Bolton. That was inevitable. You're not a killer! Don't give in."

She is the sole reason I exist, though I have always existed—all you needed was just a little push.

Before the trigger could be pulled, Nero's eyes roll at the sound of a knock emanating against the smooth wood of the office door. Ignoring the knock, he returns his gaze to Jennifer Jane. He meets her eyes. Noticing how her gaze is steady. Calm. Unusually calm despite being on the receiving end of the pistol.

I don't want to kill her.

Oh? But she attempted to kill you. This is business. Poetic justice even.

Killing her after what she did to me—

She would kill you again if the opportunity presented itself. What are you waiting for?

Nero growls. He wants nothing more than to ram his head against the nearest cinderblock wall. This voice, this side of him infuriates him. Yet, the stifling rage will not abandon him.

Oh. You piece of shit. Give me the reins.

Jennifer Jane watches the familiar shift in Nero's personality.

How his eyes flash.

How thunder harshly growls in the distance.

Despite her outward appearance of nonchalance, she is quivering. Every fiber of her very being wishes that it did not have to come to this. A piercing crack rips through the silence as another frantic knock echoes from her office door. Jennifer Jane's body crumbles to the ground, just as her office door is kicked in. Nero feels eyes burn into the back of his head. The pistol in his grip trembles. His gaze fixates upon the motionless Jennifer Jane. Blood pools beneath her chest. Nero sinks to his knees. With a flick of his wrist, two fingers resting at her pulse point.

"My, my, you're in a bit of a bind, aren't you?"

Nero stiffens as he turns around to face the source of the voice. A brunet stands in the doorway, eyes wide. Gleaming with amusement. Nero rises to his feet as he folds his arms across his chest.

"And who exactly are you?"

"Who I am is an irrelevance. Although, if you happen to meet my daughter, tell her I'd like to speak to her."

Nero huffs as he struggles to remain impassive. "You're kidding right? You are her father."

"Ah. So, you do know of Blaire."

Nero huffs. Eyes narrowing at the presence of the plainly dressed man. Of course, he knew me. I was safely placed in a hotel room. Waiting for him to return. Yet, I had not been eager to see him again as one would expect. Nero lowers his arms, fists curling at his sides.

Do you want me to help you out?



I don't need you.

Oh please, yes you do.

Nero growls. "What would you want with Blaire?"

He shrugs easily. "To chat. After all she is responsible for the death of Alessandra."

Nero swallows hard as he massages the back of his neck. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Blaire had nothing to do with Alessandra's death."

"Oh? Then who did?"

"Why's it matter?" Nero asks, bristling at the challenging tone to the man's words. "She was a bitch waiting for the right person to kill her."

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