Chapter 3= Hell

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Hey................I am an idiot and forgot my password .................... again. As a sign of apology I will (hopefully) finish 3 new chapters and make them as long as possible (again hopefully). So here is chapter 3.
P.S. If you guys have any recommendations about new books I could make or some new scenarios you want to see, simply just comment and I'll probably do it.

Narrator POV:

(cheerful voice mode)

The birds were chipping, the sun was shining . It looked like it will be a magnificent day.............. but...........(creepy voice mode) deep in one room there sat a man (He was wearing his pajama cloathes and sitting on his bed). His once beautiful long blode hair was well......... Listen there are no other way to describe it but it looked like a bird's nest simply put , his under eyes were black as the night sky (not sure how that is possible but okey). He............ well didn't sleep the entire night, he tried too, but the thought of having to explain this to both the night class and day class and lets not forget about Yuki and the teachers................. and .............those two ................................................ KANAME .....and...... ZERO

(The man shivers at the thought of it)

Just the thought of first telling Zero that a new class of "mosters" as Zero would probably call them, is coming to school would couse the teenager to go absolutely mad with furry ..................

The man looked like he wanted to comit suicide not wanting to deal with it at all

The man looked like he wanted to comit suicide not wanting to deal with it at all

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And Zero wasn't the only problem here. Oh....... if........only it was just Zero(crying mode on) it will be still bad and.......well.... hellish but Kaname is also gona be a problem(not to mention both of them at the same time) . Kaname would probably try and meet the other class and "question" them for Yukis safety and protection, try to act all high and mighty. We all know that ghouls are powerful creatures who have incredible powers, they won't start a fight unless provoked....................this will be a long day thought the man. (Still crying)
PS if you guys didn't get it the man was actually the headmaster also know as a former vampire hunter and his name is Kain Cross.
(Listen after what he experienced the night before he was traumatized okey)

Kain Pov
(He is about to go insane........... Probably already is)

Night class POV

First day of school.

They are all still getting ready (some of them at least) and figureing it all out, like about there classes and all that. (Some of them are sleeping thou)
However there was someone who is currently in the hall of the night class building ........................doing.............
nothing...... basecly being lazy (oh my I wonder who it is?)

Somebody is being too lazy to get up and do anything (its Hanabusa)

With an annoying expression on The boys face he was looking at the ceiling "thinking" (shocker).

"Hmmmm" said the boy (still Hanabusa)
Narrator POV

While the boy was "thinking" a young women come walking down the stair case, when she stops seeing the blonde haired boy sitting on the couch doing....... nothing.......

Conversation starts (more like an argument but hell what do I know)

"Hanabusa get up and do your work" said an angry yound women with grey hair

"Hm.............. leave me alone I am thinking!" he said with a board face

"Now I Know you lying......... thinking........ you........ don't make me laugh hm your just being lazy not doing your work" with an angry and annoyed tone in her voice she said

"Why you!!!............."
the boy stoped talking (more like stoped yelling) because at the beginning of the stair case there stood Kaname (behind him was Takuma. I think thats how you write his name??? Anyways the vice president of the night class, he has his usual cheerfull smile on his face)
Too shocked.......and terrified (after all they were 6AM.......... Wow that was smart) both of them just stood there until the women spoke.

 Wow that was smart) both of them just stood there until the women spoke

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(Hanabusas face at that moment)

"Kaname sama how are you my lord"?
she said with a quiet happy tone in her voice(the tone in her voice when she talks to Kaname, you heard it in the anime)

"Good how are you today"?
with a simple smile on his face, he said those words(the usual Kaname Kuran smile)

"Good as well my lord." with a smile on her face the women said (as well as a small blush on her cheeks)

"So anyways what were you guys yelling about anyways"?
asked a man with orange hair a tired tone in his voice.
The man appeared next to one of the many doors in the hall room, close to the couch Hanabusa was previously sitting on (when Kaname came he jump out of the couch as fast as he can)

"I will like to know as well"
said a boy with reddish hair and blue eyes with a emotionless face and voice (as usual)
Next to him, sitting a girl with orange hair eating pocky (not paying attention to her surroundings, doing her own thing)

"Well why don't you tell us Hanabusa"?
Kaname said with a smile on his face (it was creapy to say the least)

End chapter 3
and I know I am a terrible person..........sorry hehehe
Ps. I already started on chapter 4 so it should be out soon (hopefully)

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