Part 1

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NOTE: This story contains explicit sexual content, BDSM, and dom/sub themes. 

Trigger Warning: BDSM, Punishment 

All themes in this story are consensual and based on love and trust. 


His stare made her body feel like it was on fire, burning from the inside out. Something about the way he'd look at her from across a room or hallway, and she just knew his mind was filled with thoughts of her– probably naked– turned her on even in the most inappropriate moments. She felt herself zoning out, losing sight of where she was.

"Dr. Grey," he said sternly, snapping her out of her daydreaming as she filled out charts in the spinning desk chair behind the nurses' station.

"What?" She jolted, flipping the chart closed, "Sorry, here you go." She lifted it up to him, letting him slowly take it from her hands as his eyes gazed down at her, examining her up and down.

He snickered, placing the chart down after taking it from her hands. He leaned against the counter with a mischievous smile across his face. "You seem distracted," Cormac quipped.

"Stop looking at me like that," Meredith responded.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he responded with a smirk, "like what?"

"Like that," she groaned, "it's making it hard for me to focus."

A chuckle escaped him as his eyebrows raised teasingly, "Just imagining the night we have ahead of us."

Her eyes shifted over to him, making eye contact that nearly made her collapse then and there. He knew all of the right words to say around her. He knew how to tease her. He also knew how to frustrate her beyond belief as those long shifts dragged on through the day or night.

She was truly looking forward to tonight, knowing they'd discussed trying something new while his sons were out of town for the week on a school trip and Amelia was going to be looking after the kids at night. They rarely had a house to themselves, so it was definitely something to get excited for and make the most of. However, based on previous discussions, she knew she'd be pushed to her limits, even with how big of a comfort zone she knew she could handle.

"I'm looking forward to it," she whispered. "Now stop staring at me, get your file, and get out of here," she said jokingly, tossing a closed marker at his chest. He caught it instantly, chuckling before winking and heading off to get back to work.

The hours of the day clicked by as each worked their way through consults and completing charts. The two doctors shared light, flirty conversation over a quick and easy dinner in the cafeteria around five in the evening. Cormac found himself grinning at Meredith for no reason at all, simply admiring her as she giggled and punched her fork into his salad, stealing a bite as punishment for making such flirty eyes at her. Little did she know, that feisty attitude made him love her even more.

"Ready to go?" He asked as he walked into the attendings' lounge a couple hours later and found her hanging up her white coat. He checked his watch to see it was just past seven.

She smiled, "All set. You?"

"More than ready," he said charmingly with a wink, making her blush and bite her lip. "No work for either of us tomorrow and I get to have you all to myself tonight? Most definitely ready."

"Good," she whispered, looking over to the door and stepping closer to him. Her eyes softened as she looked up at him and placed her fingers on his chest. Her voice was nearly inaudible as she sighed and relaxed her hand against him, "I can't wait for you to have your way with me."

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