How did you-

40 0 0

A lone child crawled on their hands and knees on the rocky terrain, giggling as they peeped out of a bush and gasping in wonder at the shiny, blue, H-shaped building rising above the wall that separated her from it.

Wanting to take a closer look, she got up and ran straight through the wall, only stopping when she bumped into a thin film in the wall that refused to let her pass, siren blaring into her sensitive ears from outside of the thick concrete.

Too loud...

With that thought, the noise abruptly stopped. She smiled, happy again as she unknowingly alarmed the few staff that were in the school this early in the morning.

Attention once again taken by the barrier in front of her, she gave a few firm pushes to the solid surface before it softened and sank, ultimately letting her body through as it now had the consistency of gelatine. Finally passing the wall, she gazed upon the large building again and ran towards it, a wide smile taking over her face as her tiny body filled with the excitement and adrenaline for another exploration — and hopefully adventure.


[Lo and behold I have started another fic — which is a very bad idea, by the way, considering I'm nowhere near done with Her Silk but Oh wEll. Hope you guys enjoy this anyways — even when I don't know where I'm going with this.]

Twisting Realities [BNHA Child!OC]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin