Hello I Guess?

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The security guards at UA immediately informed all the teachers and Principal Nezu of the break in, low-key terrified of whoever could have infiltrated UA's advanced security system so easily.

Not half an hour later, the pro heroes were spread all over the school grounds, scouring the place for an intruder — hoping to find them in time for the entrance exam the next day as the principal himself searched the security cameras.

He rewinded the security footage to the time of the break-in, not really believing that the intruder who bypassed the system so easily to show up — only for his black beady eyes to bug out as the camera showed a small, orange haired child excitedly run across the school ground, smile wide on their face as they ran into the building.

The intruder.......is a child?!?!

Before he could whirl from the impossibility of it, the white rat-mouse-bear turn on the communicator all of them had and spoke, "Attention everyone....according to the security footage at 2:41am, an orange haired female child wearing a blue and white dress was seen running around the school grounds, seemingly coming from the forest behind the school, and is very likely the intruder we are searching for. Proceed with caution and do not let your guard down. Even if they are a child, they could potentially be dangerous."

Setting aside the need to figure out how the child broke into UA, he focused on the cameras, keeping track of where she went after entering the school, hopping from camera to camera until he caught up to present time.

She doesn't seem to have any other intent beyond exploring the school. Interesting...

Eventually, the child slipped out of the camera's view, not appearing on any of the other cameras.

It was only 3 minutes ago.

Nezu sipped the tea nearby, then opened his communicator again, "Midnight, the child was last seen 3 minutes ago, turning into the hallway to the teacher's lounge on your floor and has not left since. If you meet her, do not engage — put her to sleep immediately."

Changing directions, she put her thumbs up (Nezu saw it through the cameras) and cheerfully replied, "Got it!"

The rest of the teachers, upon hearing the news, immediately made their way over too.

_Midnight's POV_

Ooookay. This should be easy, right? It's just a kid-

-that infiltrated UA-

-but still a kid, right?


Yep. She was absolutely terrified of them.

I just have to put them to sleep.....

but what if it doesn't work-

-why wouldn't it work?!!-

they infiltrated UA that's WhY—

Thankfully, she reached the place Nezu was talking about before her brain could contradict itself into non-existence.

She peeked around the corner that led to the teacher's lounge's hallway...

There was another camera at the other end off the hallway, and Nezu hadn't reported that she left.

So that means...

The kid they were searching for should be in there!

She walked over stealthily, taking a deep, silent breath before opening the well-oiled door just a pe-

"Pretty lady!"

A tiny body bumped into hers, almost knocking her over in her complete panic. She immediately starts emitting her quirk, the sweet smelling mist quickly travelling across the room.

The adorable child that hugged her thighs, barely reaching past her hips lulled a little, swaying a little before-

Shaking off her quirk. Like it was nothing


"Pretty fog!...hehe," the innocent looking child giggled, squeezing her thighs gently as her big gray orbs shined, looking around at the pale pink/violet mist in obvious awe.

Nevermind my thighs she's squeezing my heart too! She can't be the intruder, righttttttt? There has to be another kid with flaming orange hair in a blue and white skirt, righttttttttttttttttttt?-oh who am I kidding it's definately her but she's just so cute!

She was slowly brought back to earth by a slight poking at her side.

"Pretty lady? Are you there?"

"Huh? W-what? Yeah.."

The kid stopped poking her and wrapped their soft little hands around her limp pointer finger, looking at her with immense worry flooding her little face, "Where did you go?"

An arrow struck through Midnight's heart.

"No where important!" the pro hero quickly answered with a big smile, picking the child up and resting them on her hip, "Come on, let's go meet some of my friends, okay?"

The kid gave a little 'whoo' of glee as she was picked up, but clutched at the collar of Midnight's hero suit only second later. "Are they nice too?" she asked nervously, apparently worried about meeting the crew.

Midnight's heart gave another squeeze at her innocence.


Bouncing them on her hips, she walked toward's the principal's office, where Nezu would be — completely forgetting that the other teachers were already making their way to the teacher's lounge.


"Nezu~" Midnight kicked down the door to his office unnecessarily —whatever! It made the child in her arms giggle so that's a win! — "I got the little cutie pie~"

Nezu narrowed his eyes at the clearly-still-wide-awake-child giggling into their arms, "I thought I told you-"

"My mist doesn't work on her," Midnight said, not even mad about it, "but it doesn't need to — look at her!"

She held out the child to him, her innocent grey eyes observing him in curiosity.

"Fluffy mouse bear?"

Midnight looked at Nezu over the child's profile, a smug look on her face as if saying see? How could this kid be anything less than innocent?

Or more likely:

Hah! In your face!

The rest of the teachers bursted into the scene, some panting more than others.

"Why," the shaggy, raven haired teacher growled at the trio, "why didn't anyone tell us Midnight already got the kid?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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