You've got to be kidding me

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"Aww look Clemonte is still hanging around with the frog kisser! How sweet" Said Tom as he walked into the cabin. "What the fuck do you want orphan boy? Don't you have a dick to go suck or something." Tom then grabs his wand, puts it up to my neck and starts whispering "If you ever bring up that orphan boy shit ever again, I won't hesitate to torture you until you're begging for mercy" "Oh shiver me timbers I'm so scared! Erica hold me" I said sarcastically.

"You just made this year a whole lot worse Clemonte" scoffed Tom as he starts to walk out. "And also, 15 points from Slytherin for disrespect" "Kiss my fucking ass Riddle!" and he shuts the door.

"Y/N! WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD YOU CALL RIDDLE ORPHAN BOY!!" Screamed Erica. "He deserves it" I shrug and eventually fall asleep while petting Dinky.

Time Skip

Erica wakes me up a few minutes before we arrive so we can get into our uniforms "FOR SALAZARS SAKE JUST GO ON ALREADY!" I hear coming from the bathroom and I immediately recognize that voice to be none other than Abraxas Malfoy. Abraxas is my other best friend besides Erica since both of our fathers are involved in the ministry and come from wealthy families. "Hey Blondie" I say pounding on the door. "Y/N IF YOU TELL ANYBODY ABOUT THIS" "Oh shut up already we'll be late if you don't just hurry up and put your robe on." Abraxas FINALLY comes out of the bathroom 5 minutes later so we start walking to the carriages while he mutters under his breath.

We get to the carriages but there's only one left. "God damnit Abraxas I told you to hurry up and look what happened!" I whisper yelled at him. "It's not my fault the stupid robe wouldn't go on cock sucker!" "Ugh just come on we'll have to take that one." We both get inside the carriage and sitting there is none other than Tom Riddle.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me!" "Well Hello to you as well Clemonte" Tom starts smirking once he realizes that Y/N is forced to sit with him since there's no other carriages coming. "Y/N just for the love of god leave him alone and he'll leave you alone" whispers Abraxas. Abraxas and Tom were just as good as friends as us so it gets very irritating knowing Abraxas wouldn't take sides.

"We'll see"

417 words!

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