Valentines Day

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It was valentines week, that time of year when everyone would give stuffed animals and homemade chocolate to their friends and loved ones. Even if you were single you could participate, that of course is only if you had people to celebrate with.

Mary Alice Trenton was a 21 year old college student, she had come to learn that it wasn't just high schoolers who had gone around carrying giant stuffed bears from their loved ones or balloons and chocolate from their admirers. No, apparently even in college they did this but she didn't celebrate this holiday. She had no one to do so with and after she finished elementary school, when bringing candy or cards for the whole class was mandatory, Mary hadn't received a single thing. So when she found the coffee on the table that she usually sat in for her anthropology class she just assumed that they had got the wrong seat since seating wasn't assigned, and if you had a college class where seating was assigned then your teacher probably wasn't treating your class like adults.

"Who's that from?" The girl who sat next to Mary asked as they sat down, her name was something different, Charlie or Spencer or something else that was assumed to have been given to more male children than female. As she picked it up she noticed the small card underneath it.

"Hi, I know this is probably weird but I got you coffee," she read aloud, "I usually see you at the coffee shop because we have class at the same time, obviously, and so I've noticed that you usually order a peppermint white mocha. I didn't see you today so I got you one in case you were running late. From, some guy in your class." Mary didn't know whether to be flattered or creeped out, it could've been a stalker however she didn't really think she was the type anyone wanted to stalk, and it was free coffee so she accepted it.

"That's weird, I didn't really think you'd get anything," Chancer said turning to look at the front of the class, Mary really couldn't remember her name so she combined Charlie and Spencer. "He must be some creep." Rolling her eyes Mary took a sip of the drink happy to have her super sweet caffeinated beverage for the morning, she glanced around the class to see if she could figure out who it was but everyone was talking to their friends, not one glancing in her direction. Letting out a sigh she figured someone just felt bad for her, or it was just a prank. At least she got coffee out of it.


Looking in the mirror Mary didn't really enjoy her reflection, the tears rolled down her cheeks and her face was scrunched up and red. It was times like these when she was glad she hated makeup, at least then she didn't have to wipe off streaks of it whenever she cried. Turning away she let herself fall face down on her bed, she really hated valentines day. It brought back too many bad memories, of death and heartbreak. Of course it's not anyone's fault that there just so happened to be a storm on valentines day and her dad just so happened to get stuck in it driving home, the results not so great.

It also was just coincidence that her boyfriend had decided to cheat on her, and the day she found out just so happened to be valentines day. Honestly it's not like she had any control over it, bad things just ended up happening on that day so she didn't celebrate it. Her best friend knew that as well, and after one intense experience a few years ago she had come to realize that it was best to not force her to celebrate the day. Sometimes Mary got lonely though, she wished she had an easier time trusting people. She wished someone would just love her for her.


"It's Thursday, just gotta get through one more day of classes then I can go mope all I want alone." Mary muttered to herself walking into her anthropology class. Nothing was on the table, at the seat she had now claimed as hers, this time. That wasn't a surprise though, she knew someone had just felt bad for her.

After 90 minutes of listening to the teacher drone on and on they finally got let out, but as she put her stuff away she noticed someone standing in front of her seat.

"Hi, I'm Grayson," he said causing her to look up. He smiled at her making his brown eyes look all squinty.

"Are you coffee guy?" She asked standing up, surprised to find him quite a bit taller than her, standing at 5'9" she wasn't exactly short, especially not with the fact that she lived in an area where most girls were under 5'4".

"Yeah," Grayson replied chuckling, "I've been meaning to talk to you." A faint blush spread across his cheeks and she couldn't help but smile at that fact. It looked so different, one would expect him to be confident, a ladies man flirting with everyone. Not shy, as he apparently was.

"Well it's nice to meet you," she replied, and in that moment she realized she was tired of hiding, tired of being scared. So as she looked up at him and asked, "do you want to go on a date with me?" He smiled the biggest smile he ever had on a valentines week, and when he replied with, "I'd love to," she smiled the biggest smile she ever had on a valentines week.


"Our love started on a valentines day, or even before that." Grayson smiled as he continued their vows, one year later from that day.

"And now, maybe valentines day isn't so bad. Actually, it's probably the best time of the year." Mary laughed finishing their vows.

It really wasn't as bad as she thought.

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