Forming a team

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Time: 0830
Location: London

A normal day at the HQ...until

*the headquarters monitor is flickering*
Agents: *looks at the monitor*
German soldiers: This a message from Miller Weber, you all have a month to surrender London before we drop the explosives and nuke. Choose wisely... *the monitor stops flickering and shuts off*
Agent Miguel: Uh sir, what are gonna do?
Gnr.Mascot: Call Cobra, I need to talk to him about this.
Agent: OK *contacts cobra*
Gnr.Mascot: Anything?
Agent: He says he'll meet you tomorrow, he'll be there in 1300
Gnr.Mascot: Okay, everyone find out the clues about the message that was sent by the German.
Agent Ros: Yes sir

In a military base elsewhere...

Cpt.Cobra: Things just never change *gets up from his porch*

The next day

Area: Café
Time: 1344 p.m.
Date: 20/7/27

Gnr.Mascot: *pulling herself a seat*
Cpt.Cobra: *walks in and goes over to her and pulls himself a seat*
Gnr.Mascot: There you are molasses
Cpt.Cobra: Funny joke, you have files on people I would like to work with?
Gnr.Mascot: Of course, I have to.
Cpt.Cobra: *grabs the files and takes a look* Huh, we got some good soldirrs over here.
Gnr.Mascot: Anyone you fancie?
Cpt.Cobra: I do, *slides one file* Every team needs someone with a good aim, Nicholas "Digit" Lim. A Specialist. Uses a Kar98k as his main and a Kilo. Uniform is a standard Australian special ops uniform.
Gnr.Mascot: Good choice.
Cpt.Cobra: Great in combat, trained hard.


Date: 12/5/23
Operation: War take over
Time: 0900

It was the year 2023 when a younger Digit was in a war in Spain.

Spc.Digit: *lifting up rubble for his friend* C'MON WE GOTTA GO
Sgt.????: *getting up* thanks
Spc.Digit: Wanna thank me? Support some cover fire and help some of our men
Sgt ????: Okay *supporting cover fire and helps some of his teammates*

Enemy soldier: *each of their men grab explosives and some get RPG's*
Enemy Captain: *telling his men to throw their explosives and signals for the ones with RPG's to steady their aim* ...NOW
Enemy soldiers: *fire their RPG*

Spc.Digit: *falling over*
Sgt.????: *sees Digit getting hurt* I've join to help *runs to some trapped teammates and get them out and turns to Digit*
Spc.Digit: *lifting up rubble for his teammate but is losing "Grip" and manages to lift up the rubble but loses his grip*
Sgt.????: *turns to Digit and runs to him, jumping and pushing him out of the rubble but in return the rubble close his exits and is trapped*
Spc.Digit: NO--

present day

Gnr.Mascot: So who's next?
Cpt.Cobra: *scrolling through* Ahh *slides it* Sergeant Grip, as his codename suggests. He's a strong one
Gnr.Mascot: Past?
Cpt.Cobra: It's redacted for a reason.
Gnr.Mascot: Weapons?
Cpt.Cobra: Uses two old guns that his great grandfather used in the war. A DMR-14 and a double wielding Diammati.  Miguel Grip, gonna be great working with this one.
Gnr.Mascot: *looks at the file* Seems like he's good in very pressured times. Anger is a problem though.
Cpt.Cobra: Don't worr, he'll be fine


Date: -/-/--
Operation: ----
Time: ----

present day

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