House Breach

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Area: Alter Force 242 HQ
Date: 27/9/27
Time: 0600

Gnr.Mascot: *preparing stim bracelets for the operation* Better wake them all up *pushes a button that makes a siren in each operators room to wake them up*

Sgt.Grip: Que carajo.... *gets off his bed*
Spc.Digit: What the frick...
Lt.Lynx: *yawns but gets up immediately*

Lt.Daniel: *already awake in the operation room*
Sgt.Ark: *sitting there waiting for the rest*
Cpt.Cobra: *leaning on the walls with his arm crossed*

Gnr.Mascot: *sees them walking to the control room* Good morning Soldiers
Sgt.Grip: Buenos dias puta...
Spc.Digit: Morning
Lt.Lynx: Mornin'

Gnr.Mascot: Now for the operation, this operation is called "Home breach". You all will be breaching the German HQ to get intel on the people who helped make the nuke, after that we go after them. Simple ye?

Sgt.Grip: Yeah yeah
Lt.Lynx: Yep

Cpt.Cobra: Alright, everyone rally up at 0750

Everyone: Yes sir

Lt.Lynx: *grabbing his mask and gear*
Spc.Digit: *has his gear on*
Sgt.Grip: *trying to find his gear*

An hour later

Cpt.Cobra: Everyone rally up now
Spc.Digit: *standing there with everyone*
Cpt.Cobra: Go to the chopper and have your gear ready, we're moving out shortly

Everyone: Okay sir

Gnr.Mascot: *passing 242 stim bracelets for the operation* Use these wisely, you all have 7 stims on your bracelet

*everyone gets in the chopper*

Spc.Digit: God I miss the old days when I rode my scooter with I'm in the military...Perfect..

Sgt.Grip: *rubbing his leg*
Spc.Digit: You good mate?
Sgt.Grip:Yeah..I'm alright

Lt.Lynx: So cobra, do you ever wish you wanna just, die?
Cpt.Cobra: Never, once when I was a teen but no. You?
Lt.Lynx: Everyday
Cpt.Cobra: Why?
Lt.Lynx: It's just, I've killed so many to do something I am tasked to do and I feel that the only way I can repay those people's relatives is to take my ow-
Cpt.Cobra:Thats normal, you shouldn't have that mindset. Soldiers like that will always have constant doubt and want to die but that will be the thing that causes other lives to be lost. If people are truly angry by it, the only way to get proper revenge, is protect their other beloved ones.
Lt.Lynx: Yeah...thank cobra
Cpt.Cobra: No problem kid

Lt.Daniel: So ark, thoughts?
Sgt.Ark:Thoughts on what?
Lt.Daniel: This
Sgt.Grip: Being in a task Force? Kinda crazy
Lt.Daniel: Agreed
Sgt.Ark: Hopefully we can make this one out alive, and return to our families..
Lt.Daniel: Yep...may god be with us ye?

*an hour and a half later*

Area:Germany, Safe House, HQ
Date: 27/9/27
Time: 0920

*the rope drops from the chopper*

Cpt.Cobra: *through comms to the rest* Alter 1-5, everyone get down to the ground floor now
Lt.Lynx: *slides down the rope*
Sgt.Grip: *slides down with Spc.Digit*
Sgt.Ark and Lt.Daniel: *slides down their ropes*

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