Chapter Two

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"I have met many different beings in this place, but this is the first one with a natural skill of hunting. In any other place one could deem it a talent."


There was something different about the woods around them.

Everything seemed too close together, the mist a sickly green as it lazily wove through the trees. While the seconds ticked by things appeared to become clearer, the wall of nothingness giving way to more trees, and . . .

"A house," Laurie frowned. "Brings back memories."

"Looks more like a cabin in the woods," Ash replied, readjusting his metallic hand, "and I'm not fond of those. Laurie, we'll take the woods. Cheryl and the kid can have the house."

Cheryl bit her lip.

"I'm not experienced enough," she said tentatively, "and neither is Meg. If we get chased -"

"I won't let anything happen to you, but the best way to learn is through experience," Laurie interrupted. "Find loops, windows, pallets, anything to keep your distance between you and the killer. You know how this works, now you just have to put it into practice."

Meg also wanted to argue, opening her mouth to talk about how unfair that sounded, when she closed it again. None of this was fair, and she would be stupid to think otherwise. This was survival, using any means necessary.

Three tries, you're out.

"Come on," Ash grunted, jerking his head towards the woods. "We've probably got thirty seconds before the killer starts prowling this way, I want to get a jump as soon as possible."

There was a huff from Meg, though she said nothing, Cheryl nodding in uneasy defeat before she gestures for the girl to follow her, the pair making their way towards the cabin.

"This . . . Area is different," Meg noted softly.

"They all are," Cheryl poked her head into the cabin, the wood creaking as they carefully stepped through a threshold. "Some of them are outside, with little buildings, others like this one, with a main building. I've yet to encounter a purely 'interior' arena, but I've heard they're some of the worst."

"Great," Meg mumbled. "Let's hope those don't pop up any time soon."

The pair carefully crept into the cabin, pausing as they came upon the main room. Candles lit a kitchen table, illuminating the antler chandelier above. Furs were strewn about haphazardly, blood stains further solidifying the air of evil within the structure they prowled. Cheryl pointed at a set of stairs quietly, Meg quickly following her up the solid wood into a room.

"There's nothing here," Meg huffed, ghosting through the main room, past the lockers, stepping onto an outdoor balcony. It was a strange one, made of grass and stone on what was essentially a pile of dirt. However, she became less puzzled by the strange choice of decor when she spotted a generator, its lights flickering and sparking pathetically.

"Perfect," Cheryl brushed past her, eager to begin working, Meg doing a quick once-over of the surrounding woods before she too bent down and started working. Slowly the pistons began chugging to life, Meg wishing the dang things were not so loud. It was like a red flag, telling everyone who had a pair of ears where they were, which was probably the point. Still, not ideal for people who didn't want to die.

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