Chapter Three

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"One or two sleepless nights and they'll be ripping each other apart. It will be a matter of walking in and taking what belongs to her little Bushka."


Cheryl and Meg stared at each other, the latter's own heart beginning to pound in her ears. There was a long moment of prolonged silence, both unsure of what to do next. Meg forced herself to look at Laurie's aura, watching it disappear as her fallen body was picked up by the killer. A lump formed in her throat, mind racing with countless, negative, possible outcomes.

A plethora of colorful language spilled from Cheryl, her body frozen as she debated what to do. Meg knew before too long the huntress would come for them, their seconds ticking by while Laurie was carried towards her own hook. She grit her teeth, Cheryl's fist resisting the urge to slam into the generator or the wall beside them.

"This gen is almost done, but Ash doesn't have time," Cheryl hissed, "his minute is almost up. Then he advances to the second stage."

Meg bit her lip, finishing her current pair of wires.

"I'm the fastest," she stood, "I'll go. Get this generator done."

Cheryl took a breath, knowing if she protested it would only eat away at the precious moments Ash had left. "Take this."

She shoved the medical kit into the younger girl's hand, Meg gripping it tight before she took off in a sprint towards Ash. She barely made it ten feet when Laurie screamed, her aura lighting up as she hung from the hook. Meg pushed forward, weaving through the trees, her eyes fixed on Ash. The huntress' lullaby softly wafted past her ears, yet she continued onward. At the very least she would try to get Ash off of the hook before the killer attempted to swipe at her.

A maze of log-cabinesque walls greeted her, Ash's aura just on the other side. Meg rounded the corner, shocked to see spider-like appendages manifesting around the man. Ash jerked in surprise when he saw her, indescribable relief evident upon his face. One of the limbs twitched, drawing his attention back to it. Ash shouted in surprise and warning as they flexed, rearing back then surging forward with one coming straight for his throat.

Meg surged forward to grab him, his metallic hand catching it just in time before the creature - what she had to assume was an extension of the Entity - could pierce him through the throat. She tried not to think about it even as the strange thing brushed the side of her head, and despite the grown man easily being twice her size she grabbed him by the sides, lifting him up and off of the hook with a determined grunt.

He grimaced, blood dripping in copious amounts from his wounds.

"Laurie -"

"I'm on her," Meg shoved the medical kit in his hand. "Cheryl has to be finishing the last generator soon. Where you left it."

She did not wait for him to say anything else, sprinting off after Laurie's aura. The huntress' lullaby started getting louder, Meg slowing down to crouch behind a tree with accompanying brush. She hated how she felt like that stupid little mask the killer wore, a rabbit on the run from a lone wolf. Her eyes searched for the huntress, eventually finding her form stalking through the woods. Hands carried the dangerous axe, ready to swing. Meg grit her teeth to keep herself from shouting, or crying, tiptoeing in the opposite direction of the huntress.

Two bright white boxes popped into her vision, a soft blare informing her the final generator was done. The doors were powered, ready to be opened. She pushed herself harder, breaking out into a dead sprint toward Laurie's aura. Flying through the branches she arrived to the hook, Laurie grimacing. Occasionally she would reach up to relieve some of the pressure, however within the same second her hands would drop to her sides once more, each movement punctuated by pain-filled grunts.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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