A man with a metal arm

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Many years had passed with the same routine, get up, get my daily food all at once through a tube, complete a mission. If I had completed my mission I would get to go back to my cell but if I had failed I would be tortured for hours on end, but, that was all I knew what life was about. I had heard lots of stories about how many years ago Hydra was taken and destroyed by a man called Captain America, I was told repetitively, if I ever came across this man, kill him on the spot and report back to Hydra.

3 Weeks had passed, I was having my usual daily food intake and sirens started going off, I was currently in my chair strapped down, people were running in and out of my cell grabbing weapons and documents and then it all went quiet, I knew I had to stay quite as when I use my voice I was punished, I waited for hours what felt like days, I then built up the courage to call out but there was no answer, all these thoughts ran through my head, I was in permanent fear ever since I was here, my life was Hydra and fear, this man Captain America continued to pop into my head, I was petrified that he was going to find me and hurt me more than what Hydra had done if it was even possible, all I could do was wait for someone to arrive.

Two weeks had passed, I was still stuck in the same chair, my fear level was still high, the only change was to my body, I was skin and bone. I started to realise that no one would come to get me and I drifted off the door to my cell crashed open, a tall man stood in the door way, he had long brown hair, a muscular physique and what looked to be like a metal arm, he slowly walked up to me and start to say something, I could barely hear him, the closer he got the more terrified I became, he must have seen me shaking hugely because he crouched and looked at me, he must of thought crouching would have made me feel safer but it did nothing but scare me more, I was so terrified that I must have passed out.

Man with the metal arm POV

We had just gotten word that there was a super soldier is a Hydra base nearby. Steve and I suited up and headed to this run down base, it looked empty and abandoned but I knew that there was always a trick to throw off any outsiders so we continued and found an entrance. "Buck, you take the bottom floor and ill take the top floor, meet right here if we find anything" Steve said, I nodded and started walking to the stairs that took me to the bottom floor. after searching for any traces of life or documents I was about to head back up to Steve when I heard a slight groan coming from one of the cells, I held my gun up to my face so I could look though the scope and I saw a figure sitting in a chair, I approached it cautiously and to my surprise it was a girl, she was very underweight and had obviously been tortured, this sent me into a flight or fight mode. I walked up to the cell and I could see her staring as me with pure terror in her eyes, I grabbed the cell door and ripped the lock off so I could get to her, with every step towards her I took she shook uncontrollably, I crouched down to try make her feel safer but who could blame her that it didn't work, luckily she passed out, I assume it was from terror which broke my heart but at least I could un tie her and take her back to the Avengers tower without much hassle.

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