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There I stood, the door only metres away from me, I took a deep breath and walked up to the door and knocked, he opened the door and looked at me with a great big smile "Y/N! oh, I'm so happy to see you, I was just thinking about you" I blushed "you... you were?" He winked "yep! don't you know? you are always on my mind doll" I looked straight into his eyes and pushed him into his room and shut the door, "Bucky.. I need to tell you something, I know if I don't do it now I will regret it for a long time... I like you Bucky, like, I like like you and sometimes I may even think I'm in love with you" there was silence, I looked down so I couldn't see his face as I was too scared of what he might be thinking, then all of a sudden I felt two hands grab my waist and pull me towards him, "oh doll, I have been thinking the exact same thing for far too long" I looked up at him with slight tears in my eyes, he put his hand under my chin and his metal hand on my back and pulled me in for a kiss. I looked at him and he looked at me, it was like we had finally found each other after looking for that one person our whole lives. We both lay down on his bed and just cuddled, it felt so amazing being in his arms, I could hear his heartbeat from his chest, as he played with my hair with one of his hands, not much was said, we were just happy to be in each others company. Once I finally realised the time I stood up, "Hey Buck?" "yes doll?", "it's late, how would you feel if I stayed the night here... with you?" He stood up and stepped towards me, "I would love nothing more than for you to stay with me" he winked, we both laid back into bed and just as I had gotten comfy a rush of adrenaline rushed through my veins, I turned to Bucky and just looked at him looking at me, "what is it Doll? are you ok?"... I looked into his steel-blue eyes "I am amazing... but, I think we could do something else" I winked at him and he replied with a smirk, "oh really?" his deep voice shook my whole body, he hopped out of the bed and took his shirt off and leant on top of me and kissed me on the forehead, I copied him, taking my shirt off pulling him into bed, it was the most magical night I have ever experienced, hours after our love we danced to music from his time, he showed me his favourite song and we danced and laughed all night. Morning came and I woke up first, Bucky was facing away from me, snoring quietly, I looked at him and ran my hand down his back muscles and through his long brown hair, he mumbled a few words and then rolled over to face me, " good morning doll, sleep well?"I looked at him "absolutely! hey.. last night.. was the best night of my entire life" he looked at me and giggled "ditto"and he winked at me "ill have to admit for a girl who's never done what we did last night before, you were amazing" he then lent over me and kissed me on the neck, he then looked at me, "well, I down know about you but I am starving! how about you wait here and i'll go down and make us some breakfast and i'll bring it back up to you? sound good?" "oh Bucky you treat me too well, alright but I'm making breakfast next time!" he giggled at what I had just said and left the room. I felt full, my life was finally whole, everything I have ever wanted I have, a soulmate, best friends, a place where I can be myself and people love me for it! I lay there thinking about what the future would look like for Bucky and I but my thought path was broken by Bucky bursting through the door with bacon, pancakes and a hot chocolate, "for you doll" he said looking at me, I moved over in the bed so he could get back in, for the rest of the morning we cuddled and ate the breakfast. My life was finally whole.

A New Beginning x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now