what did i do?

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no ones pov 

naruto arrived at the sand village

"hello hokagesama i will let kazekagesama know that your here"-sand guard

"but im not the hoka- and hes gone oh well lets go get some ramen"-naruto

"its hokagesama" "in wonder whats he doing here"

'so word haven't reached here yet'-naruto

naruto walk into a ramen stand and ordered a large bowl of miso ramen with fishcakes

"naruto i heard you were here goo to see you want did you come here for"-gaara as he walked up to naruto

"well i don't want to talk about it here"-naruto 

"well lets go to my office"-gaara


At Gaaras Office

"so tell me what happened"-gaara

naruto started to have a breakdown

"well gaara my wife cheated on me with sasuke i mean why TEME but anyways my own kids dont even think of me as a father they call me a monster they also made sasuke the hokage and banished me from the village what am i suppose to do gaara why did this happen to me maybe i am a monster maybe i do deserve this"-naruto

Gaara was now fuming with anger and to call him angry is a understatement he went up and hug naruto

"naruto its going to be ok alright you can live with me now dont ever think for a second that you are a monster and that you deserve this alright"-gaara

naruto cried into gaara chest , gaara blushed but still kept his arms around naruto gaara then carried naruto to his home

"shinki im home"-gaara

"hey dad hello hokagesam- dad why is hokagesama crying"-shinki

"well naruto is not the hokage anymore and he was betrayed so he will be staying with us"-gaara

"cool i mean cool because um narutosan is staying with us"-shinki

'maybe i can get narutosan and my dad together'-shinki

"alright shinki can you go prepare the guest room while i talk with naruto thanks"-gaara

shinki left to prepare the guess room while gaara sat naruto on the couch so he call tell him exactly what happened

"well i headed home from the office when i brought flowers for hinata and walked home when i arrived home i saw sasuke kissing hinata in our kitchen and our kids hugging them i walked in and ask what was going on and sasuke said he and hinata was together now and that he broke up with sakura and hinata agreed to this then my kids said sasuke was their father now so i left to a hotel i woke up the next morning and went to the office when i got there i saw a mob outside of my office they said sasuke was the new hokage and that they should have never let a monster become the hokage sasuke then said how does it feel to have your wife ,kids and dream token away from you gaara i don't know what to feel why does it hurt so much"-gaara

"oh naru im so sorry you have to feel like this"-gaara

'maybe i should should have destroyed that village in the first place'-gaara

'how dare boruto do this to his father'-shinki

'i swear naru i will never let something like this happen to you again'-gaara

gaara hugged naruto and shinki joined 

"don't worry narutosan me and my dad will make you happy again"-shinki

gaara blushed and glared at his son who glared back , naruto was still as oblivious as ever

"that you gaara shinki i really appreciated it how about i cook for you"-naruto

"cool you would really do that"-shinki

"naruto you dont have to do that"-gaara

"i am you helped me and gave me a place to stay the least i could do is make you guys dinner"-naruto



'its like i have a mother'-shinki


1 year later


naruto is gaara personal guard, naruto and gaara have been dating for nine months also naruto became even stronger he now has the rinnegan from kurama as a gift he is also shinki new"mom" and he trains him. 

slight lemon

it is naruto and gaara date night naruto and gaara went to a famous restaurant and they got a little drunk.

"naru have i ever told you i love you"-gaara

"you have gaara"-naruto

"well ill say it again i love you"-gaara

"i love you to gaara"-naruto

they kissed and things quickly got heated gaara took off naruto shirt and licked and kissed his neck naruto took off gaara shirt and gaara picked him up and headed to their bed where gaara threw him down and USE YOUR IMAGINATION

"i love you gaara"-naruto

"i love you too naruto"-gaara


"really"- gaara

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