you need me now

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1 month later


naruto jumped out of the bed to run to the bathroom he threw up and threw up

"naru whats wrong"-gaara

"i dont know gaara i've been feeling sick every morning"-naruto

shinki had came out of his room 

"mom are you ok"-shinki

"i don't know honey"-naruto

"do you want to see a doctor?"-gaara


"shinki go get dress we are going to the doctor"-gaara


they went to the doctor and naruto got check out

"well i have great news"-doctor

"whats the great news?"-gaara

"well kazekagesama he's pregnant"-doctor

"yeah i get to have siblings"-shinki

naruto started crying tears of joy

"did you hear that naru we are having children"-gaara

"yes im so happy"-naru

"me too naru me too"-gaara


3 months later


gaara and shinki has been very over protecting naruto that villiagers started calling naruto the kazekages wife.

"team 7 go to suna to see whyd they cut the alliance"-sasuke

"also see if you see naruto there because we need him we have enemies that are threatening the world"-sasuke


'i can't wait to see whats shinki been up to'-boruto

back at suna

"naru leaf ninjas are coming will you be alright?"-gaara

"i will be alright i have you and shinki"-naruto

"ok just make sure and to make you stress out less i will call shinki to my office"-gaara


'kurama do you think i will be ok?'-naruto

'sure kit you will be just fine don't worry it's not good for the kit'-kurama

'ok kura just making sure ok'-naruto


"right this way to kazekages office"-guards

"alright"-team 7

team 7 walked into gaara office to see shinki hugging a pregnant naruto

"welcome to suna what do you need?"-gaara

"well we came here to see why you broke off the alliance with us also we came here to um take naruto back"-sarada

"well first i broke the alliance because the only reason i kept it was because of naruto no naruto no alliance"-gaara 

"also what do you need naruto for?"-gaara

"well there is a enemy that is threatening to destory all of villages starting with konoha and suna so we need naruto to help us defend the villages"-mitsuki

"but why naruto and at this time dammit"-gaara

"gaara i will go and i will be alright plus it something i got shinki to protect us"-naruto

"i know but your pregnant naruto you can become stressed out or worst what if the baby get hurt or what if you get hurt what am i suppose to do then"-gaara

"gaara have faith in me i am strong enough to protect my self and my baby you do have to worry"-naruto

"yeah dad i will protect mom with my life"-shinki

"ok fine"-gaara

naruto turn towards team 7 

"alright meet me by the front gate in 30 goodbye"-naruto

naruto and shinki shushined naruto shushined in black flames and shinki in black sand

"i guess well go now"-boruto

"wait if naruto gets hurts or worst dies i will destroy that villiage do you understand me"-gaara


"good now leave"-gaara


naruto wore sleeveless baggie shirt and his fathers cloak but he changes it so it will be red and black with gaara sand gourd on it and he on black anbu pants and black ninja sandals he also grabbed his katana and he put his hair into a messy ponytail(because he grew it out) he waited for shinki to finish shinki also had a matching katana and cloak then they left.

"alright lets go"-naruto

"alright"-team 7 

"how have you been narutosan"-sadara

"well i've been alright and a heads i will have major mood swings so prepare yourselves"-naruto

"are they that bad?"-sadara

"trust me you don't want to know but don't worry im here"-shinki

" aww shin im not that bad"-whined naruto

"see what i mean"-shinki



they arrived at konoha

"never thought i would come back here"-naruto

"will you be ok mom"-shinki

"yes i will don't worry"-naruto

"i've been wondering what do you mean by mom?"-boruto

"well since naruto is with my dad i call him mom"-shinki

"oh so narutosan is dating kazekagesama no wonder he told us if you were hurt he would destroy our village"-mitsuki

"he said that oh that baka i told him i would be fine"-naruto

"well anyways lets go to the hokages office"-naruto

naruto walked up to the gates

"who are you?"-guards

"well that isn't nice its naruto"-naruto

"oh its the demon well come right on in"-guards

shinki use his sand to choke the guards

"call my mother a demon again and i will kill you"-shinki

"its alright shinki im use to it been use to it since i was 3 dont worry"-naruto

that only made shinki squeeze harder

"shinki that enough i said its ok"-naruto

he let them go 

"you better be lucky trash or you would be dead"-shinki

"let go to the hokage tower"-boruto

shinki glared at him boruto looked away

"ha coward"-shinki

"anyways lets go"-shinki

they headed to the hokage tower to the hokages office when naruto saw hinata.

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