Chapter Eight - Decisions

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I stayed with Shane for the next few hours. We didn't talk, we didn't try to do some family bonding, we just sat there and stared at the barn. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rick heading over to us. Shane sighed in disappointment, but he still accepted in silence that he'd have to face them eventually. Rick stopped and leaned against the car with us, not knowing how to break the silence.

'So what's it gonna be, man? Which way does this thing go?' Shane asked.

'I don't know, yet.' Rick responded.

'What'd he say?' I asked Rick.

'We're negotiating.' he responded. Shane chuckled.

'You're- clock's ticking, Rick.' Shane warned him.

'No, it isn't, Shane. That barn is secure. We didn't even know about it till this morning.'

'We didn't. Well, we know about it now. Right? We know there's over a dozen walkers in there. We know that it's about a stone's throw from our camp, Rick. Where we sleep, so look, if we're not gonna go in there and clear it out, then we just got to go.' Shane argued.

'We're not gonna clear it out and we're not gonna go.'

'We at least need our guns.' I interjected.

'We can't have them, not here.' Rick responded.

'Why do you want to stay here when it's not safe?' Rick looked like he was about to lose his shit.

'We can make it safe!'

'Well how do you expect we do that?' I argued.

'We will! Alright? Shane! Lori is pregnant!'

Oh my fucking God.

Shane looked at me in disbelief. He and I both knew that there could be a solid chance that he's the father. There is a solid chance that it is my niece or nephew. But there's also more reason for us to stay now. If there was anywhere safe to have a baby, it was here. Just without the walkers in the barn.

'You good?' Rick asked Shane.

'Yeah...' Shane looked to be in shock more than anything. 'Lori's having a baby, man. Congratulations.' I looked at my brother and knew it pained him to say this.

Rick nodded and walked away. Does he know about Shane and Lori? Shane just looked at me in horror, knowing that it is quite possible that this baby is his.

'What if it's mine?' he whispered to me.

'It's gonna be okay. If it's yours, we can work something out, okay?' I assured him, but hell, even I don't know what to do.

'I need to talk to her.' Shane walked off, trying to find Lori.

After about an hour, Andrea came down to the barn, relieving me of the barn watch.

I walked back up to the camp, seeing everyone sitting down and around talking. I saw Daryl sitting there too, carving away at new arrows for his crossbow. I rolled my eyes at him, walking into my tent, and just falling down on my cot. It was long before I knew it, but everything went dark.


I woke up to the sound of someone yelling. I was much more tired than I'd thought I was. I walked out of my tent, seeing everyone gathered around the front porch of the farmhouse, Shane was screaming obscenities, hardly even making sense. I walked over, next to Daryl, who backed away from me immediately.

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