7 minuets in heaven

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We were all sitting around the table, the party was over and we were all just sitting having drinks and talking.

"lets play a game!" stark exclaimed rubbing his hands together and standing up . we all agreed to play. "what game" I asked. "how about seven minutes in heaven" he replied looking around for an answer, we all nodded. he ushered Clint to help him.

They both returned with a bag. "how do u play again" Steve whispered to me. I'm not surprised he didn't know he's like a thousand years old. before i could answer tony shouted "listen up kids, especially  capsicle and Manchurian Candidate" Steve giggled a little shaking his head while Bucky just looked confused. 

"Aim of the game, everyone takes a turn putting there hand in the bag" he lifted the bag up in the air "each item in the bag resembles someone in the room, whosever item you pull out you have to spend 7 minutes in the closet with them, everyone understand" 

before he let anyone reply "great, who's going first" nobody spoke up "ill go" I raised my hand.

tony handed me the bag and i pulled out....

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