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 I heard a creaking noise then heard Rick yell out. "BELLA LOOK OUT!" I look up and see a tree starting to fall. I jump out of the way. I turn around from where I was laying on the ground. The lighting had just struck the top of a tree that I was standing next to.

 I shake my head. "Bella are you alright?" Rick come running up to me. I just nod.  "You sit there. I'm going ahead. Go back to work when you feel up to it." I wave my hand. The longer this night drags on, I start to wonder if we'll ever find Edward and Rich alive.

  I shake it off. Then I hear on the walkie that they found team D. A single tear fell down my face. I seen Rich walk towards me. "Hey stranger." He said. I just smiled. "Any word about Edward yet?" I just shook my head. "Don't worry Bella will find him." I nod.

 All I wanted was to hear they found team C on that walkie. All I could do is fight this fire and wait. I sent a team to the back side to start fighting the fire that way. I wasn't going to let this monster beat me or take away the only thing in my life that always believed in me and I loved.

  I finally had enough of hanging back I looked back at Rich. "Bella, wait I'm coming with you. Edward would skin me alive if you went up there alone. I'll get Rick to meet us." I nod. We headed up and made a path up. I heard Rick and Rich talking. Rich told Rick that I had enough and that I couldn't handle not doing anything.

 Then Rick told Rich. "Rich, Bella spoke it was only one word." I heard Rich gasp. "Really! I never heard speak one thing." I rolled my eyes. "Rich, she screamed out Edward named. She told me on her phone she loved Edward."

  I could hear the smile on face on Rich face. Then Rick told him that he got trapped and how I took charge and got the jumpers and fire department to help. I finally picked up a tree branch and threw it at them. "Hey! What was that for?" They said at the same time. I pointed at the fire.

  They shook their heads and laughed. They went ahead. We we're right where we were suppose to be. We spread out to fight the fire and to search for Edward and his team. The fire was bad up here. I looked up at the tree tops burning. Then I heard the planes finally.

  I watched as they dropped the water. Then I heard Rick on the walkie. "Bella get over now." I typed. "On my way." I hiked to where Rick was. I stopped in my tracks. There standing next to Rick was Edward. I started to breath heavy. I couldn't believe eyes. He finally caught sight of me. He smiled. I couldn't help myself then.

 I ran the rest of the way and I didn't care but I wrapped my arms around Edward. The tears flooded. "I love you" I told him. He pulled me away. "Did you just talk?" I nodded. "Edward, she may not speak a lot but at least it something. She called out your name when everything happened. After my team got trapped this girl took over and did more than I could ever do." Rick told Edward.

  Edward look back at me. "You called out my name?" I smiled and then nodded. "I can't believe this. You spoke. Tell me again what you said."
I stood back from Edward because I didn't know if I could say it again.
I looked at the ground and took a deep breath. " I love you Eeewwwaarrdd!" I smiled at myself.

 I felt Edward arms wrap around me. "I love you too." I started to cry. I couldn't believe it.

 "Bella what's wrong?" Edward asked. I took out my phone this time and typed. "Edward I always had feelings for you. But kept them hidden. Then everything in my life went down hill. I had no friends, nothing. Until one day you changed everything just by sticking up for me. Then you stuck by my side since. I was so afraid to admit my feelings for you as they grew. I was afraid of losing you forever." I handed Edward my phone and he took it. I didn't want to watch his face expression. So I walked away.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

ALL I EVER WANTED WAS A FRIEND  Book One EditingWhere stories live. Discover now