Chapter Six: Potter's Request

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Covering for Penny when she was on holiday was a disagreeable experience for Draco.

"Do they make me spicy food because I'm brown?" Potter scowled at the barely touched curry. "They shouldn't assume. I'm just a guy from Surrey, nothing special."

Once Potter remembered Hogwarts, he found his tongue and started moaning constantly.

"You were such a dick in school," Potter said. "I want to go home."

"Tell me something new," Draco said, shining his wand into Harry's eyes. "Look to the left, now."

Harry scowled to the left.

"Just bloody comply," Draco said. "I can't do this when you frown. It's late and I want to finish for the day."

"I want to fly," Potter said through gritted teeth.

"Well you can't. Sit still."

He listened to Potter's chest with his stethophone and wrote in the Healing Records that there was no nystagmus and his heart sounds were clear.

"What's Neville doing nowadays?"

"I couldn't tell you."

"Are you always like this?"

Draco gave him a hard stare and went back to reviewing the records.

"A nimbus is going to go by in a few minutes' time," Potter said, looking at his watch. "It's my favourite cloud."

He stood on the chair by the window to watch the show.

"Simply thrilling," Draco muttered.

"I wish I could fly," he repeated, nose to the window.

The next review was worse.

At the sight of him, Potter bellowed, "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!"

"Calm yourself, Mr Potter," Draco said, his palms held out.

"You-you—Mr Malfoy, no, get away—"

Draco's blood went cold. "What did you—?"

Potter's eyes were wild, but before he could reply, Healer Pye burst into the room.

"Mr Potter, whatever is the matter?" he asked kindly, taking him by the elbow. "Come on, let's take a seat and see what we can do."

Pye retrieved a bar of chocolate from his robes.

"Th-that man!" he said, pointing at Draco. "What is he doing here? What's going on?"

Draco left the room and stood behind the door.

"You look quite pale," Wulfric commented.

Draco turned and pressed his forehead against the wall. He didn't need to pretend around ghosts.

"What upset you, dear boy?"

They were quite alone. The Auror guards now only stayed during the visiting hours, and Draco had arranged for the portraits to be taken down until Potter remembered magic again.

"He assumed I was my father."

"And that would be bad."

"Yes," Draco said tightly. "Obviously."

"Get some fresh air in your lungs my dear fellow, you don't look well at all, and I'm sure this'll all blow over soon enough."

Draco shuddered as Wulfric glided through him, then he turned on his heel to go to the roof garden.

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