The Awful Morning

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Wednesday morning came with Maddie knocking on Sonic’s door as per usual.

“I’m awake.” Sonic groaned, forcing himself to sit up and yawn. He felt exhausted. He really needed to stop staying up so late. Creatures or not. As he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, Maddie opened the door and stepped in. “I said I was awake.”

“I know you did.” Maddie smiled warmly. “I only came in to give you these.” As she said it, she held up a pair of crutches adjusted to his size. She gently placed them on his bed, to which the hedgehog responded by pulling his legs up, hissing at them as if he were a cat hissing at a rat. He even went the extra mile of raising his quills up, piercing his pajamas.

“Oh Sonic, come on.” Maddie rolled her eyes a bit as she approached him and started trying to pull the shirt off of him. “It is not that serious.”

Sonic ignored her and continued to growl at the crutches, adjusting his voice to make himself actually sound like a snarling cat. Maddie huffed and flicked his ear, grabbing his attention. “That’s enough out of you, young man. Whether you like it or not, you are going to use these crutches.”

Sonic huffed and crossed his arms. “Fine.” He grumbled.

“Good.” Maddie nodded. “Now hurry up and get dressed so Tom and I can get you to school in time.” She turned to leave, but then stopped at the door in the last second. “Also, we got a notification from your school. It says parent/teacher night is this weekend. Did you forget to tell us yesterday?”

Sonic thought back to school yesterday and facepalmed himself, remembering that his homeroom teacher did mention the upcoming event. “I did, I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok. Just try to remember from now on. We don’t wanna think that you’re hiding something from us.”

“I will, promise.”

Satisfied, Maddie nodded and finally left Sonic’s room, closing the door behind her. As soon as she was gone, Sonic sighed and started the gruelling task of getting ready for school, trying to use the crutches as he kept off of his bad foot. When he was finally ready, he started heading for his bedroom door, when he suddenly stopped. He looked back at his pillow, remembering that he still had a tooth underneath there. Curious, he carried himself back to his bed and lifted the pillow. He gasped in shock and wonder as instead of a tooth, he found a silver dollar.

“Wow.” He breathed in delight as he picked up the old looking coin, twirling it around his fingers as he inspected it. “Neat.” Did the creatures from last night give him this?

Suddenly, at that moment, Tom came barging into his room without knocking. It was so unexpected and startling, that Sonic jumped and dropped the coin back on his bed. He turned to glare at the man. “Jeez, Tom, ever heard of knocking?”

Tom ignored him and started searching around Sonic’s room, opening his drawers and looking under his bed. “Can I help you find something?” Sonic rolled his eyes.

“Where are they?” The human said in an accusatory tone.

Sonic frowned. “Where are what?”

“I think you know what.”

“Uh, obviously not otherwise I wouldn’t be asking.”

“Don’t get smart with me, young man. You’re in enough trouble as it is.” Tom snapped, making Sonic jump a little. He’s never snapped at him before.

“Trouble?” Sonic glared. “What for? I didn’t do anything.”

“Oh really? Cutting up all of Maddie’s nice dresses isn’t doing anything?”

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