School Rumors

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Chapter 4: School Rumors

As morning arrived the ever common sound of knocking came once again to his door. Sonic inhaled deeply, slowly opening his eyes, glaring daggers at the evil light that was filling his room from the window. Too bright…

"Sonic!" Maddie called in before gently knocking again. "Sonic, it's time to get up."

"I'm awake!" Sonic groggily called as he pushed himself up in his bed, stretching out his back and sore legs. "I'm up, don't worry," he yawned widely.

"Good! Tom is making your special breakfast. Get ready for school and meet us downstairs, no running!" She warned. Sonic grinned, trying not to roll his eyes at the request. Telling him not to run, as if. Still, he stayed still as he listened to her retreating footsteps.

Once the peaceful silence returned to his room Sonic kicked the covers off of himself and dropped out of the tall bed. He turned off his nightlight on the way to the bathroom to start his normal routine. Some of his belongings were in boxes, but they were all labeled so he found his fur brush and quill brush with ease.

The fur brush was nice and soft, meant for his belly, sides, and face while the quill brush was attached to a long grabber stick.

After dropping his PJs on the floor- which were covered with quills on the inside Sonic started to brush his long quills with the comb. With every stroke of the toothed comb, more quills were dropping to the floor. He'll sweep those up later, he was starving!

He took a speedy shower once he was all brushed out, then just ran in a circle really fast to dry off.

Once all poofy and clean Sonic happily jogged back into his room, ignoring his sore legs and feet. As if he would go slow over something so minor.

He pulled out his green and white school uniform. He didn't mind it too much, it was just a pain to get new ones constantly because of his quills ripping them. The uniform was required by the school, which was rather nice. Made him feel like he was just another student instead of a random blue hedgehog hanging out in class.

In a quick spin Sonic put on his white buttoned-down shirt that had his school emblem, a red G and H with a golden border stitched onto the chest pocket. His dark green khakis were next, they were plain but the entire costume was customized for Sonic to put on easily without ruffling his quills up and a nice little tail hole cut in the back for obvious reasons.

He then hurried over to his bed where he grabbed his red shoes off of the floor. Every time he looked at them he couldn't help but to fondly remember JoJo and her kindness. He loved these shoes! Sonic put them on- after socks of course. He couldn't afford to get blisters after all.

After one last quick look in the bathroom mirror, Sonic turned to leave the room- but froze. He was right beside the door, about to waltz right out when the chilling memory returned.

The strange voices from the vent…

Sonic turned towards the vent, his eyes narrowing in distrust. What could have upset Ozzy so much last night... There was no way there were actual voices from the vents, Tom said it had to be rats.

Sonic cautiously walked over to the vent and dropped to his knees. He leaned close, staring through the gaps of the cover into the dark vent. There wasn't a thing in sight, so he turned his head and pressed his ear against it.

No sound from the vent either. Rats were most active at night anyway, so it made sense. Sonic sighed and got back up, dusting off his uniform. Silly Ozzy, freaking out over something so minor. Rats were nothing compared to a blue speedy hedgehog. That dog needed to get his priorities straight.

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