Chapter 27

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The Understanding of Amour

"And they say love hurt if nobody been loved I'm tryna be loved first..."

Being a better person meant so much more to Amour then just the title. Being a better person to Amour was changing her life around for the better. She didn't want to have to look over her shoulder her whole life thinking that people families is coming to kill her for revenge. Or she didn't want to look over shoulder driving thinking that she fixing to get pulled over for having illegal drugs in her trunk. She simply just didn't want to do it for the rest of her life.

Amour was a different breed from a lot of people. She had a good heart, but the people around her influenced her to doing things that nobody should be doing. Her parents, Ezekiel and Amina influenced Amour to thinking that the street life was ok.

Her parents still to this day try to make it seem like the street life is ok and that there's no other option. Amour first mission was something she wanted to do , of course she choose to do it but her parents made her think it was normal. When she first started doing missions she was doing her parents dirty work , she tended to always seek for their approval.

Amour wanted a better relationship with her parents but she knew dealing with her parents was like dealing with the devil.

Amour never let anybody in her life as quick as she did with Santana in her eyes Santana was different. But somehow they could relate to each other in a lot of ways.

Amour couldn't lie what Santana said to her kinda hurt. Imagine being with somebody for a whole month, twenty-four seven y'all was with each other could you just walk away that easy? Even though y'all had days were y'all only said two words to each other but that still beat out the days were y'all talked about y'all dreams, goals and sometimes y'all told each other y'all deepest secrets.

Even though Amour cared about Santana she didn't want to feel like she's begging for the friendship hell in her opinion he needed her she don't need him but in reality they needed each other both were broken from their past but they could use each other to fix their selves in a way only they could understand. If only the knew what they could do for each other.



Dayza sat at the table inside of the restaurant waiting for Tahj, she told him to be here thirty minutes ago.She started to get out the booth thinking that she was making a mistake as soon as she walked to the door in walk Tahj.

"Was you finna leave" he asked walking inside

"just come on I got places to be" she said sliding into the booth.

"My bad shordy I got caught up at the shop why you got that mug on yo face you needa fix that you look ugly" Tahj said sitting down laughing "you miss me"

"No we needa talk" she said dryly

"What's on yo mind"he asked looking at menu

"I don't know how to put it but I-I'm"

"Folk spit that shit out you pregnant" Dayza didn't reply "oh shit you pregnant for real"

Dayza started tearing up "yes Tahj I'm pregnant"

"That's cool and all but is the baby even mine though no disrespect but you be doing yo thing" he paused "I heard what happened to yo ole dip and I'm just not tryna take care of a baby that ain't mines"

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