Chapter 1

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I was walking on the side walk I took a deep breath looking at the scenery I was taking a stroll in the woods and there was a clearing I went in the clearing and saw my step-sister and her friends in their Glitter Forms Glitter Lucky my sister and her friends Glitter Sunny, Glitter Spring, Glitter Peace, Glitter Breeze. I walked out into the clearing which I realized was a mistake because I realized everyone was in a trance endured by negativity I realized I should've been effected in some way but I wasn't then I started glowing on certain parts of my body my wrists my arms my torso my feet to my shins I suddenly had a glitter charm in my hand my body moved without my control and I took off my headphones and placed the Glitter charm on the opposite side of the right speaker then I started talking with out control I put my headphones around my neck "Here I go, Glitter Force makeover!" My arms went in am X position and I snapped my fingers, "Glitter Bands!." I taped my feet together "Glitter Boots!" My hands touched my shoulders then out again and sleeves appeared I noticed my outfit so far was black and neon, my hands  clasped over my chest I started singing Monster by Starset "Under the knife, I surrender~" My hands went  to my sides and the rest of my outfit appeared "Innocents yours to consume~" Then I said something else "Music influences the atmosphere, you mess with me, you're screwed!" My hair glowed I thought it wou be big and colorful but when it changed it was pulled back in a high ponytail and my hair was black with neon and the sides of my head were shaved, "I'm Glitter Beats!" I said and I went back on the ground surprised I looked myself over I thought I looked amazing,

" I taped my feet together "Glitter Boots!" My hands touched my shoulders then out again and sleeves appeared I noticed my outfit so far was black and neon, my hands  clasped over my chest I started singing Monster by Starset "Under the knife, I s...

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I looked up at my step-sister and her friends the villain they were fighting I recognized as Ulric he was also stunned which also stunned them I think they were shocked at my appearance I looked really tomboy-ish which really suited me once we all snapped out of our daze and Ulric shouted "Another one!?" I huffed and ran out on the battle field there was a moment of hesitation I could've sworn there was a slight blush on Ulric's face then he summoned a goon and we fought it off and after that we all went back home and me and Emily went to sleep...


I woke up and checked the time I went into Emily's room to see if she was awake and she wasn't I crept down stairs and took a step outside and into the woods I sat by a lake in the woods I took a deep breath taking in the scenery then I heard some one else sit by the lake not to far from where I was sitting I looked over and nearly gasped but stopped myself Ulric was there but he didn't seem to notice me he was just staring at the lake and the way the moon reflected on the water I stood up and walked over to him he still didn't notice me he looked peaceful, I tapped his shoulder he jumped slightly and looked at me and growled I took a couple steps back and he pounced pinning me to the ground, "What are you doing here, Glitter rat." I didn't even care what he said I was paying more attention to the position we were in I also blushed seeing Ulric up close after a moment he stopped shouting and noticed the look on my face and he flushed realizing what the fuck was happening, he instantly got off and sat down facing the opposite direction I sat up and shook my head trying to force the blush down there was a moment of silence I pulled out my phone and plugged my headphones in and played Fallen Angel by Three Days Grace I hummed the tune after a couple minutes I heard a tap on my headphones I paused my music and put my head phones around my neck I looked at Ulric "What." He took a breath "What are you listening to?" I pulled out my phone and showed him the song. I unplugged my headphones and restarted the song and turned up the volume I decided to put it on repeat and set the phone down and sighed, "I'm Y/n" I said "Ulric"He said  there was another moment of silence I sighed putting my hand in the water swishing it around a bit then I got an idea I noticed Ulric wasn't paying attention I put both hands in the water and cupped them and took them out I took the water I was holding and splashed him. "Hey!" He growled I splashed him again he smirked and splashed me "Hey!" I laughed he splashed me again I took a step back and fell in the lake landing on my ass he chuckled a bit I got up and out of the lake and sat on the grass I was a bit cold but it wasn't that bad I smiled and chuckled, "Okay I guess that was karma." I said sitting crisscross Ulric stared at me for a moment and I sat next to him and we just stared at the lake I kept glancing at him his ears looked fluffy 'He won't mind right' I thought I reached up and scratched his ear he flinched and his tail started wagging "Stop." He said trying to scoot away I started petting him and his tail started wagging more he looked away and I scratched behind his ears more I grabbed my phone and took the song off repeat and as if on cue Lily by Alan Walker played I put the phone back in my pocket and pet Ulric more then he decided he had enough and pushed my hand away, he turned his head slightly and I saw some blush on his face I smirked and tried to get a better look of his face he kept turning away I got frustrated and grabbed his shoulders to keep him from turning away I smirked he blushed more he tried moving back but we fell and I landed on top of him and I instantly got off and went back by the lake my face was hot I splashed some water on my face cooling it down I stood up and turned back to see Ulric was gone I grabbed my phone and checked the time "Oh, shit!" I put my phone back in my pocket and ran back home.

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