I remember when

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I remember when I first joined Wattpad, back in 2014. Everything seemed so easy back then. I don't know if it was because I was so young or because I was so naive or believed in magical thinking... I simply wrote what I dreamed about and didn't think much of it. Boy, did that change.

I love writing stories, I love posting them, and receiving comments. I love entertaining people with the dreams I have. It's wonderful... It was amazing... Unfortunately, that time is gone. Lately, things have changed. Some of my stories were removed. I get comments in which people accuse me of things I never intended to do...

No longer am I excited to post stories, now, I'm cautious and worried. I'm terrified to trigger people, I don't want to lose another story, I don't want to lose my account...

Sometimes I think about quitting it altogether, just to finally be at ease again. I know I won't stop though, I'd miss writing, I'd miss talking to the amazing people I've met on here, I'd miss everything. It's just hard to realize I can't write whatever, I have to constantly think about the limitations. In a way, it blocks my stories and creativity. I guess I'll have to adjust to it.

- Leah

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