Arriving in Japan

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You woke up the next morning to your alarm going off at 3:00 am. You groaned and turned your alarm off. You yawned and stretched, turning on your light. You got out of your bed and threw on a sweater over your chihuahua print pajamas and headed to the kitchen to make yourself coffee and some breakfast. You decided to have a quick breakfast of cereal, orange juice and coffee. After you had your breakfast, you made your way to your clothes, which you had laid out before. Your outfit for today consisted of an off the shoulder, pink sweater and black leggings. You were so happy that you packed your clothes the day before so you didn't have to rush in the morning. You decided to kill the time by sitting down on your couch and watching some movies.

An hour later, a knock resounded on your trailer door. You grabbed your suitcase and walked to your door. You opened it and found Aidan all dressed and ready to go.

"Are you ready, My Lady?" Aidan asked, jokingly. You smiled tiredly and nodded. You looked around for the other two, but didn't see them.

"Where are Richard and Dean?" You asked.

"They're in the parking lot waiting." He said. You nodded as you made your way to the bottom step. "May I take your luggage, my lady?" Aidan asked, reaching for your suitcase. You chuckled and nodded, allowing him to take it.

A few moments later, you both arrived at the parking lot where Richard and Dean were waiting, Richard in the driver's seat and Dean in the passenger's, leaving you and Aidan to sit in the back. Aidan opened the door for you, and you got into the car, getting comfortable. Richard looked back at you and smiled.

"Morning, sleeping beauty." Richard said. You smiled and waved lazily.

"Hi." You said quietly. Aidan put your luggage in the back of the car trunk. Aidan closed the trunk and made his way to the back seat. He opened the door and got in. Dean looked behind as both you and Aidan buckled your seat belts.

"We got everything?" Dean asked. Aidan looked at his fellow actor and nodded.

"Yup." Aidan said. Dean turned around in his seat. Richard looked at his friend.

"Have you got us a translator?" He asked. Dean nodded and pulled up the information on his phone.

"Yes. Her name is Aiko Arakawa and she will be waiting for us at the Narita International Airport." Dean said. Richard nodded. He started the car.

"Are you ready for this, [Y/N]?" He asked. Aidan chuckled.

"She's fast asleep." He said. He gently put his arm around your shoulders and leaned you down to where your head rested in his lap. He didn't miss the jealous looks of his friends up front. As Richard started driving to the airport, Aidan made sure you were fast asleep before speaking to his friends. "We can't let this come between us." He said. "If we get too jealous, we take a day away from it and do our own thing, then we come back when we have cooled down, sound fair?" Aidan asked. Dean nodded.

"I second that," Dean said. He looked to Richard. "Richard?" He asked. Richard glanced at Dean, keeping his eye on the road.

"Sounds fair to me." He said. The three friends nodded.


After 13 hours and 50 minutes of plane flights from New Zealand, your plane landed in Japan. As you walked down the ramp, you looked around in aw. You stepped off to the side and waited for your three friends to join you. You saw them and waved. Richard smiled. "Are you ready for this?" He asked. You smiled wildly.

"So ready!" You said excitedly. Richard chuckled at your enthusiasm. As you walked into the interior of the airport, you saw a woman holding up a sign that read '[Y/N] [L/N]'. You all made your way over to her. You smiled.

This is my first Imagine on Wattpad. Please go easy on me. Feel free to comment.Where stories live. Discover now