Chapter 8

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Slowly I wake up and look into Tendou's worried face. "Are you all right? You fainted all of a sudden." I don't think so. I bet he hit me. I witnessed how he hit me. It's best not to say that now. He even put me in his bed and covered me with a black blanket. Why did he hit me and then put me here? "Are you all right? Y/n?" "Did you hit me on the head with something?" He laughs. "Whaaat? No!" "That's not funny!" He gets up and walks out of the room. "Hey, where are you going?" I flip the covers to the side and swing out. "You're staying in bed! I'm going to make us some tea." And keeps walking. Still, I get up, which was a mistake because I feel dizzy. The blow really hit me. So I sit back down on the bed and wait for him. If it wasn't him, then who was it? Or was it him and he's just lying to me? But hadn't he said he hates lies? With a smile, he comes in and hands me the tea. "Thank you..." And was about to take a sip, but I quickly regret it because it was totally hot. "Oops, forgot to warn, it's still hot." I look at him seriously. "If it wasn't you, who was it? I caught the blow to my head." Obviously, he's looking for an answer to my question. "There's no one here but us. You imagined the blow." "I never imagine anything!" For a moment there was silence. Until his laughter broke the silence. "You know what, of course I did!" What is wrong with him, why does he find this so amusing? "Huh?" I was so confused. Slowly, he pours the cup of hot tea in his hand onto my hands. I hiss in pain. "What are you doing? That totally hurts!" "Oh, does it?" He asks wryly, dropping the cup on the floor. The shards clatter to the floor. I look at my hands, they are all red and little burn blisters are forming. I set my tea down on the dessert table. I can't do anything with these hands. It is an unbearable pain at this moment. A tear flowed from my eye and landed on my hand. I don't really want to cry, it shows weakness. And I don't want to show that to him. When he looks at my face, he shows concern again. "No, don't cry, little one. I'm going to get something to cool your hands down. Stay here." With that, he disappears from the room. I'm trying to get out of here now. My heart is pumping with excitement, as I take the first steps I feel pain. No, the broken pieces from the cup! I have completely forgotten about them. Still, I keep running and sigh in pain as I run out of the room. "Hey, sweetheart, what are you doing? You better get some rest." "Leave me alone!" I yell at him. Suddenly he's seething with anger again and gives me a solid punch right in the face. I fall to the ground. Then he kneels in front of me. "You have to hear what I am saying." He then lifts me up and carries me into the living room onto the couch. "Look, this is for your hands." And puts a cold pack on my hands. "What the hell are you doing? Your feet are already bleeding." I continue to ignore his words. The guy is completely out of his mind. My goal is to get out of here as soon as possible. But with these injuries, it's hard to keep my body under control. For a few minutes he disappears into another room. I could try to leave again. But that would be too stupid. Besides, Tendou would notice. I knew it was a mistake to go to him. Still, I was too naive and went along. Why would he do that and then be so nice to me again? In my eyes, it doesn't make sense. He sits down with me again, lifts my feet up and doctored them. Every now and then I hiss in pain, whereupon he always calms me down and says that everything is fine. But it isn't. "There, done." Smiling, he looks at me and I decide not to talk to him much. Some tears cloud my vision and I quickly look away. "Hey ... Don't cry." Tendou pulls me into a hug and strokes my back. There is silence again for a while. The ringing of the doorbell breaks the silence. "I'll get it." I look after him. I wonder who's ringing the doorbell. I can hear the conversation. "Hey Tendou, tell me, why don't you come our training? Our coach will kick you out if you don't show up." "You know, I'm busy right now and I forgot to tell him. Tomorrow I'll talk to him about it." "Mh okay. I'll see you tomorrow then." "Yeah, see you tomorrow." The door closes again and Tendou enters the room again. "Was that Semi?" He nods. "Yeah, they really have nothing else on their minds but volleyball." "Why are you hurting me?" He grins and shrugs. Annoyed by this reaction, I throw the cold pack at him. "Asshole!"


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