Chapter 13

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The next day

I still think about yesterday, that was really unbearable. Why can't Tendou understand that I feel not ready to play volleyball? Yesterday I stopped the game and said that I had to go somewhere. I know he didn't believe me. But at least I was able to escape the situation. I sit down on the bench and take out my phone. It's a message from Shirabu. He asks where I am, so I reply that I'm at the schoolyard. Not even a minute later, I see him walking towards me. "Hello I/n!" He greets me and sits down with me. "Hello Shirabu. Is there something you want to talk to me about?" He grins and nods. "Yeah well... I was wondering if you'd like to go out for ice cream sometime." He looks down at the floor shyly. I grin and am about to reply until someone behind us speaks, "No, she doesn't!" Startled, I turn around to see Tendou looking angry at Shirabu. Why is he always where I am? That really scares me. And now he decides for me? What does he think? "Hey, that's not true! Why are you saying that?" "I'm trying to protect you from those PlayBoys!" I look at him confused. How would he know that? Shirabu is just being nice to me. "I'm not a PlayBoy!" He shouts back. Oh no, please don't let it end in an argument. "Stop it, please. I know it won't end well." Tendou rolls his eyes. "He's the one turing you on!" I stand up and put on my backpack. Shirabu stands up as well and grabs my arm. "Where are you going?" "I'm going inside, I can't stand you two fighting." And release me from his grip. Annoyed, I go inside and look for another place where I can have my peace. I hate it when guys fight especially over girls.

POV Tendou

She belongs to me. And I will not let anyone take her away from me! Even if I have to get that person out of the way. "Thank you, Tendou! Why do you always have to be like that?" He asks me, and I raise an eyebrow. "I don't know what you mean." And cross my arms. "Let's get one thing straight: L/N is mine. If you try to approach her in any way, you will have to deal with me." I move a little closer to him, my gaze lingering on his. Shirabu shakes his head. "She's not an object. Let her decide for herself who she goes out with." He can't be serious, can he? I start to smile. How ridiculous, no matter what- she's mine and she's going to stay mine. No matter who she chooses, I make her choose me, it's that simple. Shirabu seems confused, but doesn't question anything. I laugh, shake my head, and go in to search of L/N. If he tries again, he will get a lesson from me. And I won't hold back.


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