Happy Birthday Brother!

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I wake up hearing Stefan downstairs. I get changed and grab a blood bag. I walk downstairs and meet Stefan in the living room.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" I yell as I walk into the living room. He smiled.

"you remembered." He laughed, I could tell he was happy. I hugged him.

"Of course I d-" I started but then something or somebody interrupted me. Something flashed behind us, we jerked our heads towards it.

"Damon?" Stefan calls out.

"Damon... don't be a dick" I call out, then whatever it is flashes past again. Something then tackles Stefan, I was ready to fight until I saw who it was. Stefan was tackled onto the floor with a vampire on top of him with fangs out. I realize who it is. So does Stefan.

"Lexi?!" Stefan says.

"Hi" She replies smiling. They get up off the ground.

"LEXI!!" I yells as she widens her eyes and develops me into a huge hug. Lexi is my bestfriend from over the years.


"What are you doing here?" Stefan asks Lexi as we end our hug.

"How could you even ask that?" Lexi says.

"I missed you, happy birthday." she says.




Stefan, Lexi, and I are all joking around in his room.

"I don't know who knows about us. That news reporter did. There could be others. So do me a favor, be careful while you're here." Stefan finishes.

"Why stay? I'm headed to New York for the weekend. Bon Jovi in the garden. "Wanted dead or alive" It's our theme song, the three of us. It'll be a blast." Lexi says.

"Do you think they will actually remember us. That was a crazy weekend huh?" Stefan says. I laugh.

"We can make him remember us." I smile.

"Yeah, come on. Lets go! I mean, what is keeping you here anyway?" Lexi asks as Stefan stares at her.

"Elenaaa" I whisper.

"I told you, her name is Elena." Stefan says towards Lexi.

"Lets hope she's better than the last girl you got all sprung over," Lexi says as she walks over to the table and picks up a picture of Katherine.

"You didn't even know Katherine." Stefan says to her.

"Yeah, cause if I did I would kick her ass..little bitch. Speaking of..where's Damon?" Lexi asks looking around.

"Probably inflecting misery somewhere." I laugh.

"You gonna be okay here alone?" Stefan asks Lexi. "(Y/N) and I have to go get questioned by Sheriff Forbes."

"It's not exactly like I can go anywhere. I mean you guys and Damon are the only ones with these nifty little daylight rings. I have a mood ring for 75, trade ya!" She smiles.

"Doesn't work like that and you know it." Stefan laughs.

"Yeah" She mumbles.

"Hey Lex, I'm really glad you came here." Stefan says then I interrupt.

"Me too!" I yell smiling.

"What are you doing for your birthday? It's not everyday a guy turns a hundred and sixty-two years old," She smiles, I laugh.

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