Its not that hard

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This song paper rings by Taylor swift how Y/n is starting to feel about Oliver

Previously: when you went the hall you saw that Tom pinned her to the wall kissing her you went back to the hall with tears in your eyes

When you went back to the table you could tell that Pansy was worried about you, then you felt her hand on your arm taking you to the ladies room Y/n she said I am worried about you, you need to get over him Y/n. I AM you yelled, I am sooo hard Pansy you said crying she hugged you hard. Then you saw Luna lovegood come in are you ok Y/n? She asked, Luna was one of your other friends one of the reasons you didn't like Hermione was because she called Luna loony. Yea I am fine Luna you said with a small smile no you are not Y/n Pansy said what's wrong then Y/n? She got closer to you and Pansy Tom you said you saw the tiny smile on Luna's smile fade away you will be okay Y/n as she squeezed your hands into hers you smiled at her and gave her a big hug. Y/n, Y/n, Y/n! You heard Pansy yell whaat? You said tiredly wake up you don't want to be late she said as she pulled the covers off of you. So has anyone asked you to the ball yet Y/n she said umm well you said as you blushed WHAT! She yelled bloody hell Pansy you said who asked you she asked, Oliver wood you said her face went pale Oliver wood she said with a weird face yea you said as you were humming did you say yes? She asked well yea you said did anyone ask you, you said yes she said who you said. Draco she said, she looked a little bit off just kidding! Adrian did she said really you said  yeah, we should get going she said. You saw Tom in the hall with Hermione, you saw Oliver on the other side of the hall hi Oliver you said hey he said with a smile he was talking to Harry Potter about quidditch practice Tom looked at you with a small smirk you gave him a shrug with a small smile.

Time skip:
You went to the quidditch felid and sat on the seats and you saw Draco hey you said as you moved closer to him hey he said he looked nervous in his quidditch uniform what's wrong Draco? Nothing he said quickly said well I know you will do great you said with a smile. It was Slytherin vs Gryffindor when the game started you saw that Tom was not there but Hermione was so you went The Gryffindor side and asked her we're he was she said she didn't know. So you went back to the Slytherin side and sat for a while then got up to go to the bathroom.

Yea you will be hearing a LOT of Taylor swift because I love her soo much so yea ._.  I know that this chapter is not really about Oliver and y/n but I love this song :)

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