CHAPTER 8 - Home, Sweet, Home.

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~ Niall Horan's POV ~


"We're gonna miss you, mate," Liam said to me, patting me on the back as we hugged for the last time. "I'll miss you guys too," I sighed, sadly.

"Happy early birthday, while we're at it," Louis chuckled, hugging me after. I hugged each boy one last time and said our goodbyes.

"Text us the night you land, alright? We can Skype," Harry suggested. I nodded, grinning. "I will... Unless my parents have something planned for me. But I'll definitely talk to you soon," I replied.

"Flight 109 to Dublin, Ireland now boarding," the voice over the intercom spoke.

I looked at my friends with sad eyes. "Well, that's me. Goodbye, lads," I sniffled. "Aw, don't be sad, Nialler. It's only going to be a week," Zayn said, a small smile on his face. I chuckled, "I know, but it'll feel like forever." We grouphugged before I realized I should probably hurry up.

Grabbing my carry-on suitcase, I strolled into the terminal, after showing the lady my passport.

*end of flashback*

That was just yesterday that I took a plane from London to Dublin. I live in Mullingar, actually, not Dublin, but that was the nearest airport. My parents had picked me up once my plane landed and drove us all back to the house.

September 7th, it was. Meaning in six days, I would be turning nineteen. I'm hosting a charity event on my birthday, and honestly, I'm excited.

This leaves me six days to do what I had been planning to do once I've arrived. The lads all thought I came back to Mullingar to relax and spend time with my family, and for the big charity event. That was true, but wasn't the complete truth. I was also here to investigate... To interrogate... To find out the real truth, the mystery.

"Hey, Nialler, you up for a game of basketball? Mannie and the gang wanna play down at the park. They said they miss you," my older brother, Gregg, said, popping his head inside my room from outside of the doorway.

He was also staying at my parents' house for the week, since he's moved out and into an apartment already. He wanted to spend quality family time together now that the family was complete again.

"Yeah, sure. Let me just get dressed," I replied. He nodded and closed my door, leaving me to my privacy. It was nice having peace, having privacy, for once. You don't get it a lot being a celebrity and all. I'm praying this week here back at home won't be full of paparazzi and screaming fans.

I threw off my grey sweatpants and slid into some black, baggy gym shorts. I covered my naked torso with a red t-shirt, then put a pair of black Adidas running shoes on my feet.

I jogged down the stairs of the house and strolled casually in the kitchen. Dad was at work right now and mum was out grocery shopping. Gregg was sitting on a kitchen chair, one of those tall ones that spin around. His elbows were on the counter in front of him and he used his hands to prop his chin up. A glass of what appeared to be apple juice sat in front of him.

I walked over to the fruit bowl and grabbed a ripe-looking apple. I took a big bite, creating a crunching noise. "Ready to go?" Gregg asked me. I nodded and he grinned. Gregg took his glass and chugged down the rest of his beverage before placing it in the sink, to wash later.

We left the house, me still munching on my apple. It was falltime, here in Mullingar. The trees were almost all bare of leaves. Leaves were scattered around or in piles on the ground, creating a blur of red, orange, and yellow. The autumn breeze was cool and refreshing. It wasn't cold, so I was perfectly fine in my lack of clothing.

The park we were going to was about a five minute walk, tops. Usually, Gregg and I would be joking around, playfully shoving each other and teasing each other. But today, it was different. Neither of us spoke, probably because there was nothing to say.

I thought they said that "separation makes the heart grow fonder"? So why is it that, Gregg and I have been separated for so long, and now we don't have anything to say?

I took one last bite of my apple before throwing the core of it far off into a field of grass. "You throw like a girl," Gregg finally spoke, his pokerface cracking and turning into a teasing grin. I grinned too. Maybe it just took a while before everything went back to normal.

"You act like a girl," I shot back, jokingly. This playful banter we had, never failed to amuse us. We burst out laughing after that, even though it wasn't all that funny.

The rest of the walk was loud and eruptive, just like old times. Before we knew it, we were at the local park, playing a game of basketball with Mannie, Tim, Brent, and Rico. The teams were Tim, Brent, and I and Mannie, Rico, and Gregg. Our team won 5-3.

"Do you guys wanna go to the plaza? I heard the annual street fair is back," Brent suggested once we all agreed we were tired of playing. We all decided it'd be fun to go and we continued walking to the fair.

It was really nice being back home. Being with my family and old friends again. Being back in the town I grew up in.

As we walked down the beautiful streets of Mullingar, we passed Ridgeway Road. My eyes caught sight of a familiar house. The big, grey one on the hill of the street. It's white stone bricks shimmered in the light and the driveway was made of cobblestone. A vaguely familiar Ferrari was parked in the driveway.

And I had finally decided it. I was going back tomorrow.

I was going to find out the truth.


A/N: if that little last part of the chappie confused you, don't worry, it'll be cleared up next chapter ! :)

Merry Christmas Eve/Christmas depending on which timezone you're in !


Chasing Savannah {Niall Horan}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ