CHAPTER 17 - The Call

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~ Savannah Leigh's POV ~

"Lexi, why did you wait so long before you told me?!" I screeched into the phone. After days of waiting, my sister had finally called me back to explain everything. And even though she said she was being completely honest, I still found it hard to believe.

"I'm sorry, okay? Mum and dad made me not tell you! They said if you knew, you'd want to find him, and I don't know if you remember this but they HATED him," Lexi said. "Why?! Why did they hate him? What did he do?" I exclaimed. "He didn't do anything! They just didn't like him! He didn't meet their 'expectations'," she sighed.

I felt tears brewing in my eyes, clouding my vision. I don't know why I started crying; maybe it was because it felt like a huge part of my life was missing for so long. Maybe it was because I felt like I can't trust anybody anymore.

"Whatever. Bye," I snapped, and hung up on my sister. I shook my head to myself and left my bedroom, then trudged down the stairs and into the living room. "What was with all of the screaming?" Charsity asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I wiped my tears hastily and sniffled involuntarily.

"I just... I found out..." I croaked, before bursting into tears again. No, they weren't sad tears, and were very far from happy tears. The best way to describe them is... Tears of frustration. Frustrated that one stupid accident had messed up my life, and an accident that I can't even remember to make things worse.

Char sat down beside me and rubbed circles on my back. "Hey... Hey, what'd you find out," she cooed. Though she wasn't a "sweet-pea" like Katie, she was a great comforter, which was one of the perks of being her friend. That, and she's an amazing chef. She does work in a restaurant, though, so maybe that's why.

"Ni-Niall," I breathed. She seemed to get what I meant by that, considering I told her and Katie about what he told me the other night. "So it's true?" she gasped. I nodded, shaking as I did so. "Aw, Savannah... What're you gonna do?" she asked. "I don't know," I stuttered.

Ten minutes later, I had calmed down and I could have a proper conversation with Charsity. "Okay, so, are you going to let Niall know you believe him?" she asked. I shrugged. "Alright... Are you going to tell Louis about it?" Charsity quizzed. I shrugged. "Okay, so what DO you know?" she chuckled. I sighed, "Nothing. I'm so... So lost."

"Well, do you want my opinion?" Charsity offered. "Yes, please," I said weakly. "I think you should call both Niall and Louis here and talk it over with the both of them," she said.

The idea waved through my mind but I shut it down as soon as I realized what that would mean. "I can't do that. No way," I refused. "And why not?" she hummed.

"Why not? Because Louis' my boyfriend, and Niall's my apparent ex-boyfriend, and they're both BESTfriends! I don't want to do anything that would jeopardize their friendship," I explained. "Well you can't keep it from them," she stated.

"I know I can't, Charsity. I'll... I'll think it over. Thanks, by the way," I mumbled. She nodded her head in a way that says "you're welcome" and I left to get dressed for work. Thankfully I don't have a uniform for my job, so I put on a pair of black distressed skinny jeans and a baggy grey v-neck t-shirt, along with a white and pink infinity scarf.

I tied my hair up in a messy top-knot bun, and applied a minimal amount of make-up. Just two-coats of my favorite mascara - the Falsies by Maybelline New York - black eyeliner on my top eyelid, white eyeliner on my bottom water line, one layer of powder foundation, EOS lip balm, and then a coat of pink lip gloss over the EOS. I slipped my feet into my pair of red Vans and left for my work place; Natasha's Hair Salon.

When I arrived at the salon, I was stressed out and over-all flustered. But I put on a fake smile and greeted my co-workers, who didn't deserve to be around the bad-side of me. "Thank god, you're here! We have so many appointments today," Dominique, or as we call her, Dom, said. "Yeah. I'll call in the next customer to your chair, you go get set up," Trina smiled.

I smiled back and went straight to "my chair". As soon as I got all of my equipment out (a brush, comb, spray bottle, scissors, and a few other things) Trina had brought in a teenage girl, who looked extremely feminine but like a sweetheart. "Have a seat, hun, and we can get started," I said.

"O-okay, thank you," she stammered, and sat down. I tested my spray bottle on my arm and then dried it off with a towel. "So, what do you need? A cut? Trim? Dye?" I asked, my voice trailing off. "Erm, could you cut it into layers, and about two inches?" she asked, quietly. "Of course," I said, and started damping her hair with the spray bottle, which was filled with regular sink water.

As a salonist, it's mandatory to try and spark up a conversation with your customers. Which probably won't be exactly easy with a shy girl like her. "What's your name?" I asked, tousling her hair. "Alianna," she mumbled. "Lovely name. I'm Savannah," I hummed.

After finishing up with Alianna, Dominique came by my station to visit me. "Hey, Sav. There's some guy who made a special request to get his hair shaved by you," she said, sounding highly amused. "Really? Who?" I quizzed. She shrugged. "Some guy named James, I believe?"

As if on que, Trina led an all-too-familiar boy in. I can't believe neither her or Dom had recognized him! Or anybody else in the salon, for that matter. "Hey, Savannah," he smiled, sweetly. "Hello," I replied politely. Once Trina and Dom were for sure gone, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, Liam! What're you doing here?" I chirped. He chuckled, "Getting my head shaved by my bestfriend's girlfriend. Lou told me you were a hair-stylist and that I should come to you, so I did, and here I am."

"Hah, I see. Well, sit down. Did you want a legit buzz-cut?" I asked. Liam nodded. "Why?" I questionned. "I don't know... A change, I guess," he shrugged. "Ah," I nodded, and pulled out my scissors. "I need to trim it before I can shave you." I explained, even though he didn't ask.

He was the only customer I could have a real conversation with... Not a fake, small-talk one, since we're already friends. "So, Niall says hi," Liam said, looking down at his phone in his lap. I froze a bit when he said that.

"About Niall... Look, I apologize on his behalf for probably freaking you out. He really misses his girlfriend and I guess you remind him of her-" "I am her," I interrupted, not even thinking about what I said.

"You... You're what?!" he exclaimed. "Shh! Could you keep it down?" I hissed. "Sorry," Liam mumbled. "It's alright. Look, you need to promise not to tell EITHER of them... I'm doing it myself tomorrow," I sighed.



This was kind of a filler so I apologize for the short-ness and boring-ness, but now Savannah is 100% sure about her and Niall's past :o

VOTE: 5+ votes for next chapter

COMMENT: what you think Savannah should do about Niall. Should she do Charsity's idea and call him and Louis to her flat, or talk to them separately, or not talk to them at all about it?

FAN: when I hit 310 fans, I'll publish the FIRST CHAPTER of the new Janoskians fanfic (but the actual story will be ON HOLD until I finish Chasing Savannah or Infinity).

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