chapter 4 the fear

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(not finish but in working progress)

Andros was working on a project when Deca says that something was wrong in the medical bay. Andros got up and ran to the medical bay to see what was wrong when he saw Starla getting up.

"Starla stop"

Starla does not listen to Andros and gets up instead. Starla wanted to get up and out of wherever she was. She was scared because she did not know where she was and it was frightening.

"Starla STOP you are going to hurt yourself even more than you already are"

"DECA get me Zhane now"

"Yes Andros"

Zhane comes running in and grabs Starla gently to stop her from moving anymore.

"Golden rose stop"

"Zhane Starla seem to not realize where she is or who anyone is, it seems to be that her subconscious is causing this to happen"

"WHAT DECA is that true"

"Yes Zhane it is"

So Zhane and Andros get Starla to lay down again and straps her down to keep her from moving again. Then they run a scan on her to check her injuries.

"DAMN IT" yells Andros as he slams a fist down on a tablet in anger.

"Andros it is bad, am I right"


Andros turns and grabs some stuff and starts to take care of Starla's injuries and makes sure they are not going to get worse than they already are. Andros then turns to Zhane and tells him he is to stay with Starla and watch her and to check her injuries periodically to make sure they are healing correctly. Then he leaves and goes to his room and lays on his bed and cries on his pillow.

*knock knock*


"Leave me alone"

"Andros it's me, Carlos"


"NO Andros we are here for you man you have used to lean on plus Starla would not like this at all"

"She doesn't even remember me so how can she"

"Man like Deca said it was Starla subconscious at work so don't blame her for something she has no control over."

"That not the only thing"

"Then what else man"

"her .........injuries"

Carlos froze right then and there not knowing what to say but he knew one he had to get Andros out of his room now. So

Carlos told Deca to open Andros's door eleven if Andros said no Carlos said to do it anyway. *Andros's door opens* Carlos goes in and grabs Andros by the arm gently and brings him out and to the bridge and tells him no matter what he is not to blame for what happened. Zhane walks in when Carlos tells Andros, Zhane then walks up behind him and slaps Andros on the back of the head, and yells at him for blaming himself for something that is out of his control.


"ANDROS WE ALL KNOW THAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS FELT LIKE YOU ARE TO BLAME FOR WHAT HAPPENED TO ZHANE BUT YOU NOT TO BLAME NO MATTER WHAT. We know it is hard to understand Andros but you are not to blame please stop blaming yourself"

So everyone told Andros that he is not to blame for what happened and told him that no matter what they care about him and want him to be happy and to stop blaming him even if it takes some time for him to believe it himself they will be there for him.

*****3 days later******

Starla was sitting on the bed in the medical bay while ALPHA was checking her over to make sure she was all healed up. ALPHA was shocked when TJ walked in and asked if Starla was ok to fight. Starla stared at him like he was stupid or something "something mostly" because she did not feel like she could fight at all heer body felt like lead,

"TJ, Starla cant fight"

"But ALPHA she has been resting for 3 days why not we need her to fight the enemy"

"Just leave TJ"

After ALPHA said that TJ left not understand why Starla could not fight with them. After TJ left Zhane walks in and smiles at Starla and say "so golden rose how are you feeling"

"Like lead"

"Oh, really why is that?"

"Why do you think silver rose"

"Yeah you are right so why did TJ come out of here all huff and puff"

ALPHA explained to Zhane why TJ left the way he did and Zhane was not happy that TJ asked that and said that.

"I see will rest well golden rose"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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