Eins a dad

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-okay, so,,,
-Ein wakes up in the middle of the forest, the mind control on him wearing off,,,,
-and he's like,,
-holy shit,,,wtf is wrong with me???
-he gets up and travels for a bit, trynna make sense of everything
-my man is having a mental breakdown abt being attracted to his half-sister and no one telling him they were related
-he finds Tommy, and Dream about to cut Tommys wings off
-and the man goes feral
-he rushes over, ripping Dream away from Tommy,,,
-He just,,,,stomps on Dreams skull over and over again, growling about how pathetic he is
-i mean, after all, he's not a werewolf, and hes hurting a kid,,,,,Ein might not be the best person, but he's trying
-Dream poofs because he dies, and Eins all ?????
-After all, people don't have multiple lives in MyStreet
-He just,,,wipes the gore off his boots on the grass and is like
-"Hey, you okay?"
-Tommy is not okay
-the kid just saw a stranger stomp Dreams brains in
-in fact, there might be some left on the ground
-Tommy vomits
-Ein kinda panics and is like,,,,"pls im sorry i shouldve killed him in the woods, not in front of you"
-Tommys just,,,,processing
-anyway,,,,,,they somehow vibe and Ein gets a good look at Tommys wings
-The flight feathers are cut, and Ein almost goes feral again, but he doesn't know where Dream is, so he just helps Tommy heal
-He goes mining with him to get emeralds to make a regen forever potion for Tommy so that he won't get hurt that badly again
-Tommy tells him about Dream, and Eins like
-"yeah, those are common manipulation tactics"
-and then is like
-"i definitely know this from any other way and not being a dick"
-but uh,,,,,,he opens up to Tommy as Tommy opens up to him,,,
-they run away from Logstedshire when Ein is like,,,,"oh shit,,,,green guy might come again,,,"
-and its not that hes scared,,,bcz,,,i mean,,,,hes Ein,,,
-he's just concerned abt Tommys health
-They run super far away and live in a cobble tower Tommy built
-Eins just so proud of the tower, and Tommys like,,,,????
-"what???" because he makes those towers to annoy people, and Eins just so proud
-he finds out that Ein is really fast, and strong, but can't build for shit
-like,,,,mans can rip you apart with his bare hands, but he would sob if you told him to build a chair
-they live in the ugliest houses
-its actually painful
-Tommy has to learn how to build because Ein Cannot
-Ein teaches Tommy better hand-to-hand combat,,,and makes non-harmful forever potions, like the regen one he makes for Tommy first,,,
-Ein rips apart anyone that comes close to their new house unless Tommy allows it,,,,
-maybe later Tubbo and Ranboo visit,,,,

Eins a dad???? AUWhere stories live. Discover now