kuroken x stressed reader

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*tap* *tap* *Tap* 

The tapping of the keyboard could be heard throughout the room. You were hanging out with Kenma and Kuro over at your house, they thought it would be a good idea to help you relax just a little. They noticed that you have been working non-stop, jumping from one place to another. They didn't know what exactly was up with you but they knew you needed a break. 

Kenma was sitting beside you playing on his phone while Kuro was finishing some of his chemistry homework. They both kept glancing at each other than at you. Every time they'd see your focused face starring at the screen and your hands rapidly tapping away, Kenma was almost impressed. Once Kuro finished his Homework kenma had just finished his game, they both glanced at you for the umpteenth time that hour, only to see your eye's welling up with tears, one finally escaping and falling onto your keypad. Both of their eyes grew wide. They rushed to comfort you but you weren't budging. You kept working on your laptop, wiping away the tears the escaped your bloodshot eyes. Kenma and Kuro looked at each other and nodded. Kuro picked you up from your chair bridal style and Kenma saved your work and closed the laptop, putting it to charge in the process.  

Kuro pulled your bedsheets back and gently placed you on the bed afterward. He then got in next to you and covering the both of you. Kenma joined so that you were in the middle. You were about to get up and object but they both pulled you down and cuddled you. Kenma hummed you a song, his arms wrapped around your waist while Kuro pat your head and played with your hair.  Soon you ended up falling asleep getting your much-needed rest. You woke up due to a pleasant smell coming from within your kitchen. 

You made your way into the kitchen, immediately being met with the scent of your favorite food. It was a bit chilly at your place so you hugged yourself to warm up a bit. Kenma came up behind you and gave you his hoodie. You were about to decline the offer but then he threw it at you. You knew that that meant you couldn't argue. Once you finished putting it on, you realized that it was Kuro who was making the food. You gave him a warm smile and hugged him from the back as he was pre-occupied with the stove. He turned around and gave you a light kiss on your head. You then thought of the paper you were working on previously. You were about to start panicking when Kurro calmed you down and signaled you to go set up the table. You grabbed what was needed and made your way to the table Kenma was sitting at with your laptop, wait your laptop? You took a closer look and realized that Kenma had just finished and turned in your assignment. You looked at him with wide eyes while he just gave you a small smile. You stood there frozen. You felt tears well up in your eyes. Kenma closed the laptop, stood up then embraced you, rubbing your back in the process. Kuro walked in and joined the hug so that Kuro was embracing the both of you. Kissing both of you on the head. After a few moments, Kuro broke the hug and helped set up the table.  You and Kenma were talking as you guys helped Kuro with bringing in the food. You guys sat and started to eat. The table was filled with nothing but laughter and joy the whole time. 

After you guys had cleaned up all of you decided to take a shower. Once you were done all of you were rocking your pokemon Onseis. Rain could be audible as you cuddled with the two males on your bed while watching your favorite movie. 


Hey yall Strawberry here thank you guys for reading this one-shot requested by the one and only -TSUND0KU Thank you for this wonderful request🙏 I really hope I did it justice and that you really like it UwU ANyways with that being said I'm sorry for being gone for so long my personal life didn't let me have much free time. BUT now things a better and I hope to be able to update more. With that being said I should prob head to bed, and you should too ik your reading this past 12 am OvO. Anyway Strawberry out and make sure to delete your search history.😙✌

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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