Nishinoya Yuu

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You heard shoes squeak and volleyballs thunder as you entered the gym. You closed the door behind you and walked over to the benches to wait for your best friend. You knew your friend had a huge crush on one of the volleyball players and she begged you to go watch the volleyball team practice with her. Your friend was confident, but when it came to facing her feelings she was a huge mess and would avoid it until it was really necessary to acknowledge em (felt). As you made your way to the bench Hinata greeted you and started to walk with you as you both talked. Yes, you and Hinata were good friends despite the one year age gap, he was like a little brother to you. You were talking with Hinata as you both were interrupted by who you assumed based on what Hinata has told you was Tanaka and Nishinoya. 

"💕💖💞KIYOKO💝💘💓!!" they shouted in unison before who you came to know as Daichi grabbed them by their shirt collar and started scolding them. You laughed at their silly antics and continued your conversation with Hinata. However, your smile didn't go unnoticed by a certain libero.  After Daichi finished scolding them Noya started to make his way to you guys. He was almost there but then the coach entered and practice started. That was when you realized that your friend was nowhere to be seen. 

' Don't tell me she bailed out last second' you thought. You pulled out your phone to see if she had sent a text explaining why she wasn't there. And much to your delight there was. 

From: Mf with that tOnKa trUnk 😽

To: (your user name) 

Hi bish so..... i couldn't do it sowy lol👉👈 ill make it up to you by buying you F/F love you lots😘  

You sigh as you put your phone back into your bag. You would feel bad if you left Hinata without explaining yourself so you decided to take out your sketchbook and work on poses. At that very moment, you saw Noya dive for a ball, to you, it was one of the coolest things so you decided to draw it. 

By the time the practice ended you had finished Noya's sketch along with a few other sketches.  You packed your stuff and waited for Hinata outside the gym. He suggested that you go with him and the team to get pork buns, you agreed.  you were walking I little behind the team with both Hinata and Kags. One conversation led to another and that's how they started bickering back and forward. You chuckled and that's when you caught  Noya's attention.  He was slightly ahead with Tanaka. Tanaka noticed Noya's sudden break of attention so he looked back to see what he was gazing upon. He followed his gaze and immediately:😏.

"Oh wats this, is my overgrown son catching feelings😏"  Noya just chuckled and smirked. He thought you were really hot and cute. Not only that but you seemed like a really cool and nice person, someone genuine. 

"Maybe" he responded

"Shoot your shot my man, ill be here supporting,"  Tanaka said as he gave Noya a light pat on the back as if saying ''good luck''. 

"I think I will" was al Noya said as he started walking back towards your group giving Tanaka a smug smile. 

Once he made it to you guys he placed himself between you and Hinata, wrapping an arm both around you and Hinata. 

" Hinata when were you gonna tell me you had a hot babe as a friend" Hinata and kegs were just so confused( my innocent baby's🤧❤). You on the other hand just laughed knowing where this was going.

" S-sorry senpai," Hinata said, still very confused. You decide to intervene since you didn't want Hinata to feel overwhelmed.

"  The names L/N  Y/N," you say giggling in the beginning. Your laugh, your smile, the sound of your beautiful voice... It never failed to mesmerize Noya. He felt the urge to kiss your plump lips, however, he shook all those thoughts away immediately, not wanting to come on you too strong just incase it scares you away.  But a slight shade of pink couldn't be shaken away from his cheeks. 

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