Chapter 5

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Art by: yobinty on reddi

Edited: 4/8/2021

CW// Cussing

[Now Playing #BrooklynBloodPop! by SyKo]

Techno's House, Pog Island

October 24th, 12:04pm

Tommy POV

I smile at Ranboo, while he just looks up at me in surprise. He gets up, and towers over me. "Can you not?" 

"Not what?" He tilts his head, confused at my statement. 

"You are 8'4. I'm 6'3." 

"What did you mean by 'Pog Island'?" 

"Oh my gods. Oh, for fucks sake, Ranboo! Be a little smarter!" 

"Wha- Hey! I don't know what it is!" 

"That was being kinda harsh Tommy." I turn around and death stare the pig hybrid behind me. 

"Technoblade. If you would please, shut the fuck up." Techno rolls his eyes and I turn back to the part endermen. 

"Follow me." I say, walking out of the stone house we had built. Ranboo stops behind us, and I smirk. 

"Wha... How.....?" He says, his mouth hanging open as he stares at my Netherack walls.

"It's cool right?" 

"Yeah, but where did you get the materials?" 

"Nether, overworld. Same places you've been." 

"Ok? Why are you asking me to be here?" I think about this, not knowing the answer myself.

"Because you are the only one who genuinely cared." This seems to catch him of guard. It did for me too. But, it's the truth. He is the only one who actually came to visit me. Besides Dream, Sapnap, and Ghostbur of course. 

"I... but what about-" 

"Tubbo never came." I lie. 





"Even Phil?" 


"I can't believe you are being so casual about this!" 

"Hey, when life gets hard is when you find out who your true friends are." He seems a bit unnerved by my sudden maturity, but continues. 

"So, I assume you want my help?" I nod my head. 

"Techno and I can't do all the work by ourselves. I may be a big man, but even I can do that kinda shit." Ranboo pretends to think about it, but I know he is sold. 

"Ok! I'll help!" 

"Great! We need to head into the caves. Well, unless you have some cobblestone on you." 

"I was actually mining before I started freaking out." Ranboo drops about 5 and a half stacks for cobblestone from his inventory. My eyes shine at the crumbling stone. 

"Yes," I say quietly as I stare at the stone. "This will be perfect."

Outside An Empty House, Pog Island

October 25th, 2:34am

Tommy POV

We had just finished about six more houses during the night. Not really "we", more just me. Techno stopped after house two, claiming he was "too old for this" and turned in. About half way through house four, Ranboo also turned in. I finished the last two houses alone, then decided to take a patrol. I was once again looking for holes in the walls, thinking about making a third layer when I heard it. It was the smallest sound, but doing things without Dream knowing had gotten me to be able to hear those kind of sounds. It was faint talking, coming from the forest. I decided to head there, hiding an iron sword in the strap on my back. I picked up two voices, and decided to stop at the line of the trees.

"I can't believe  we are doing this." 

"I know, but I can't handle it anymore! Dream is just too awful!" 

"But, we can go back and talk to him!" 

I continue to listen to the conversation. I recognize both of the voices, but can't put a face to them. Then it hits me. Fundy and Sapnap. An unlikely pair, but I understand it. Before I got exiled, Sapnap asked me if Dream liked him. I said he liked George. Fundy must know by now that Dream is cheating with George. 

"I can't believe we are doing this! Are we even in the right place?" Fundy seems to get more nervous each time he talks. 

"Yes. I've been here before." 

"Ok..." I'm deciding whether or not I want to show myself. Sapnap decides for me. 

"Hey! Tommy! Is that you?" I jump out of my thoughts, looking at the black- haired, bandana wearing arsonist in front of me. The fox furry behind him runs over to me, smiling and hugging me. I wince when he does, since although I'm a big man, I do still have some scars and cuts. Fundy finally lets me go and stands beside Sapnap. Sapnap's eyes are wide, staring at me. It suddenly strikes me that I'm wearing diamond armor, unusual since Dream should be taking my stuff everyday. 

"So.... how are you?" I say awkwardly. 

"Fine. I need to-"Sapnap stops and looks at Fundy. "We, need you to come with us." 


"To a base camp. It's not the greatest, but it'll do until we have more joining us." I laugh at him, thinking of the nation I'm building.

"Sap...nap..." I say in between breaths. I finally catch my breath and motion for him to follow me. He does, with Fundy close behind. Both seem nervous, and then they see the houses. Sapnap seems dumb-founded, and Fundy's jaw drops open. 

"How... Who.... When....?" 

"I'll answer those questions individually. How is easy. I collected materials and spent time making it. Who was me, Techno, and Ranboo. When was in the last couple days." 

"What.... do you call this place?" 

"Welcome," I say. "To Pog Island!"

Total Words: 929

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