Chapter 20

545 37 14

Art by: On SlimecicleArt on Twitter and Leaf Animations on Pintrest under Hannah Rose

Edited: 4/5/2021

CW// cussing

TW// Maj0r character d3ath, bl00d

The Border, L'Manberg 

January 16th, 3:25p

Sapnap POV

This battle has been going on for hours! Dream's side is losing, since Puffy, a brown haired guy with green slime on him, and a brown haired girl with vines and roses on her showed up. I finally defeat the person I'm fighting, and find that there are only a couple people from our side missing. Tubbo, Hbomb, and Phil are all gone. I just hope they aren't dead. I run over to the slime covered person as they say, "Why don't you stick right there!" I see them stick someone to a wall with slime. Ghostbur is watching them gleefully, having lost Nikki. "You like that, my transparent friend?" The slime says to him. 

"Who are you and what are your pronouns?" I ask, walking over to them, knowing my fight can be spared for a bit. 

"My name is Charlie Slimecicle, but call me Charlie. I am a he/him!" 

"And the others?" 

"Captain Puffy, but she prefers Puffy. She/her. Sam Nook. I think he/they. Hannah Rose, but she prefers to be called Hannah. She/her" As if summoned, the girl floats over to us on a wave of vines, taking out everyone in her pathway who isn't on our side.

"Hi. My names Hannah. You?" 

"Sapnap Halo." She smiles, and Karl comes over to us. 

"Hi babe!" 

"Hi Sap. Have you seen Quackity?" 

"Nope. Haven't seen him since yesterday." 

"I wonder where he is..." Four people come running towards us, surrounding us in seconds. 

"Looks like we're in a sticky situation." Charlie says, his slime filling his hands. 

"Do you just continually make puns?" 

"Yes. Yes he does." Hannah responds, vines growing behind her. Karl summons a sword and my fire forms around me and in my hands. 

"Let's beat these guys to a pulp." Karl says, and we run towards them, ready to fight. 

[Now Playing I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters]

Eret POV

Stupid. Fucking. Unworthy. King. I think as my axe clashes with George's sword. George falls to the ground and I put an axe to his throat. Tommy is fighting Dream next to me, barely getting hits. "C'mon green bitch! Is that all you got?" He yells, even as he is losing. His eyes shine, and I can see why. Techno is behind Dream. Tommy jumps back as Techno cuts into Dream's shoulder. 

"What the..." Dream starts, before he's struck again. He swerves around and faces the Piglin. 

"How about a rematch, you homeless teletubby?" Dream's mask twists into a snarl and he attacks Techno, driving him away from Tommy. I lower my axe from George's throat and offer a hand. He takes it and I pull him roughly into a hug. 

"Give me back my throne and I won't hurt you, you unworthy shit." I whisper in his ear, before releasing him. George nods, hands me the crown, and runs. I smile wickedly as he does, and Tommy seems surprised at my expression. 

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