Another Day

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Some days are defined with a purpose, a way to see life with true colors. When even your breakfast seems actually worth eating, and the car window becomes one with your thoughts. We all know this feeling, this sentimental yearning to make our life more interesting from the monotonous jail we are driven into. 

It is true, there are no main characters or background ones. People tend to feel less than their persona, like the image they maintain isn't enough. Worrying that when they unmask their truest self, the world will point and break the real heart you worked so hard to protect. That's why when this kind of day comes by, it suddenly opens your eyes to an untouchable truth:

What I eat, say, think, see, wear, and do is enough. But what is the meaning behind the word "enough"?

Is it a way of being contempt and satisfied? OR another jail that says "I'll never be as big as my dreams"?

Neither is right. 

Enough stands for present. The present you right now, what do you want to do, think, say, wear, or eat? Not tomorrow, not in a month, not in your future, but right now. It doesn't have to be big, just enough for you to smile. 

Cause even though you look in the mirror and say "Is this what I am supposed to feel grateful?". Before this thought invaded your head, the small but notorious smile your gave to yourself first in the mirror was enough. Since the T-shirt or jeans you're waring weren't meant to please anybody but yourself, they are ENOUGH TO YOU.

Now, isn't it selfish to only think about yourself when others also need your ENOUGH? 

Short answer, NO. 

In school or religion they teach that selfishness will only lead you to being alone, or having a cruel personality against others. It is true that this human characteristic hold a negative power. The problem lies in making ourselves less because of this social lie. 

But what can I do to make sure my actions aren't negatively selfish, but positive for me to grow and live my "enough"?

What you have to do is ask you self if your words or actions will hurt personally somebody else. I don't mean like "Will that person approve my outfit or words?". I mean more like "Will that person be hurt emotionally or physically by my actions? and how important is it for me to do, say, wear, eat, and think this?" 

Words and actions will hurt people, no matter what you do. We have to learn to make peace within us and with the words or actions we just said or did.  Take responsibility and I assure you, your life will stop being a jail ruled by everyone, but by yourself. 

I won't entertain you any further, but think about this last thing. 

By doing this, everyday will feel like something new instead of a monotonous jail. May be we can make our jail a house, and the mask once used to protect your heart will be used to see the world in different lights. Embedded in the "every day" there is a different purpose, the goal is to make it your own, make it ENOUGH.

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