Wednesday: A war-screaming squirrel joins the fight

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She tried to run as fast as she could in her yellow, checkered skirt and low, dark red dr martens. Why did she have to wear these shoes today? They were not made for running from, what seemed like, the thing that would kill you. The black-haired girl held a tight grip around Phoibe's wrist as they ran through the boiling Washington streets, with the auburn-haired girl in the lead. Well, at least auburn-girl was wearing sneakers, like the girl pulling her, which didn't cause them to get searing blisters that made their feet scream in agony.

People looked weirdly at the odd group, as they ran for their lives, and she couldn't understand why nobody else seemed terrified of what was chasing them. The people that they ran past just stared or glanced at them as if they were crazy or something and not the things following them. Those things had the most murderous eyes that she had ever seen. Every time she tried to look back, her brown, leather backpack started to slide off her slim shoulders and the other girl would then pull her arm even harder, which would nearly break her bracelet. What were her friends going to say? She was supposed to go to a friend's summer home for a couple of days when the last school-day had ended, but instead she had randomly started to run away with some weird strangers from school. She had never talked to any of these girls, not even seen them in class or any hallway. As they took a right beside a big park, the girl in front of her, who seemed shaken after her phone call earlier, threw her phone between the bars of the metal-fence, into one of the green bushes. What was going on? Was she or everybody else crazy? Never had she seen anything like those girls, if that's even what they were. Suddenly the black-haired girl let go of her wrist, waved for a yellow cab close by, and pushed Phoibe and the auburn-haired girl into the backseat.

"Closest greyhound-station, please," she told the driver with a cold and stormy look in her eyes when she herself had gotten in. "And fast!" All of them looked back through the back window, as the seemingly confused driver drove off into the wild traffic. The monster-girl-thingies looked more angrily at them as they, once again, took a right turn and disappeared. An awkward silence fell over the car when all of them turned so they could actually see where they were going, the driver staring in both confusion and irritation at them since they weren't wearing their seatbelts.

When she thought the other girls had had enough time to digest what had just happened, for a quarter or so, she had to break the ice. She just couldn't bear the quiet anymore.

"Soo..." Phoibe started but didn't know what she was actually going to say. "What's your name?" Her eyes flickered between the two. Had she tried to start a conversation too soon?

"Alexis," the black-haired girl answered cooly, not taking her eyes off the red traffic light in front of them, while twisting her bronze necklace between her two fingers and mumbling. Phoibe couldn't really hear what Alexis was talking to herself about but she said something like "What's so special about this?". Weird!

"Evelyn," the other one smiled at her, but only a little, then she went back to her battered look. She was a pair of ripped jeans-shorts with tons of flowers painted on them.

"Nice to meet you" Phoibe squeaked, way too happily, of nervousness. "I'm Phoibe." The car took a sharp turn when the light turned green and made all of them collide and bump into each other awkwardly. And once again, the backseat fell silent. Too soon for conversation, Phoibe thought.

After another quarter of quiet, the cab, finally, drove to the sidewalk close to a bus station. Awkwardly they stayed inside the car, with the driver looking irritatedly at them through the glass separating the backseat from him. They had to pay for their little trip. The two other girls started to look through their pockets and then looked at her. She had taken money with her so she could go shopping with her friends. This should have been the best summer in her life, away from her parents, but it didn't look like it would even be close to it. She took the backpack off her shoulders, opened the bee-buckle that kept the bag closed, took out her wallet, then she paid the driver and thanked him. All of them got out of the car not saying a word to each other as they saw the car drive off to the more inner part of the big city. While walking to the bus station, some hundred feet away, the feeling of discomfort crept over her again, just like it had done in the assembly hall. A chill crawled up her back and neck and her heart beating quicker and quicker, like it was getting ready to run. Around the station stood all kinds of people, families, and couples, but she was looking for them. She stopped since she didn't want to get too close, and when Alexis and Evelyn carried on walking she put her arm in front of them to prevent them from getting any closer to the stop.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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