Prologue: The Resistance Awaits

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Authors Note: Your nationality is going to be Australian, and you'll be Specialist class when you get promoted from Rookie rank. Also, the Resistance HQ will be located in West Australia.

Earth, Australia, 2035, Y/N's POV

I was walking down the streets of my city, thinking about something, or rather someone. My old childhood friend, Jane Kelly.

Jane went missing from my city of Darwin a few years ago. I was always thinking of what had happened to her. I never got the chance to confess my feelings to her. She was perfect for me, she was rough and tough, but still sweet and caring to those she cared about.

But I was so lost in thought, that I didn't realize that I was walking through an ADVENT check point until I felt something hit me in the back. I fell to my knees, and turned my head around to find that I was staring down the barrel of a magnetic rifle held by an ADVENT trooper.

I got up slow, and put my hand up, and walked back to the check point scanner. The soldier scanned me and let me pass.

I hated being under the rule of ADVENT, but I felt like there was nothing I could do about my alien rulers. I planned on joining the resistance group known as XCOM, but I couldn't find a way to get to a local resistance base without reveling where they were to ADVENT.

My mind went back to Jane as I went into my house. I fell in love with her when I first understood the feeling of love. But a mix of a fear of her rejection and the aliens invasion caused me to never confess my feelings.

I fell onto my bed, and simply dozed off after a long, restless day, and in the morning, I would leave Darwin, and never return until I saw it freed from ADVENT rule.

In my sleep, I had a terrible nightmare. I was being restrained by two ADVENT troopers, and watched as none other than what appeared to be the Alien Elders themselves with Jane.

The Elders were torturing her, and using their psionic power to suffocate the life from her body. I hear her screams, and they hurt me. I pulled and fought to try and get out of the troopers grasp, but they held an iron grip on me.

I tried to call out to Jane, but suddenly, it all went black. I jolted awake in my bed, and looked at the clock. It was 3:15am. I grumbled and got up, I got together all the things I would need, I wasn't going to stay here any longer, and this was the perfect to get out of here.

I opened my door to see if there was anyone around, before I slipped away. I made my way through the ally ways of the city, as ADVENT authorities never came through the ally ways.

I made it to the outskirts of the city, and high jacked an old car, I left my car back home because it was made by ADVENT, and I didn't want to take the chances of getting detected, and leading the ADVENT forces to the resistance.

I put all my belongings in the back, and got in the driver's seat, hot-wired the car, and drove off. There were keys in the car, but none of them fit the car's starter.

But as I drove, I got a feeling that something was following me, but I tried not to think about it. I suddenly saw a snakelike creature slither across the road. I got scared and hit the gaspetle. I speed along the road, and I knew that something was following me.

I thought I lost whatever was chasing me, but then a sudden burst of green plasma hit the passenger side of the car, causing me to panic and spin out of control, sending me off the road, and into a patch of cactus.

I grabbed my things and crawled out of the car, but soon saw the creature come closer, it looked like a human sized viper, and was carrying a large plasma weapon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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