Tell me what you think, this is just me figuring it out 😌

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Ok so one of those wolf stories  but instead of it being from the girls perspective I want it to be from the guys and it might switch povs but just
for backstory or another side of the situation mostly from the guys pov

Also I haven't decided if they're in their human or wolf form now>

So it's gonna start out with him calling his friend benji over (his name is Alken) and he brings his buddie over to some tracks that he found then he gets a weird ass whiff of something and he's like hold tf up and tells benji to stay still and stfu then he turns and sees this girl/ wolf (once again haven't decided form yet) and she's all chill and is like oop didn't mean to spook you and obv benji is like LOL u were scared of a girl and then she's like,,,,, I could break ur neck but whatever and then she leaves to go home

Skip forward to later that much (in human form for sure now) after the whole pack ate the food benji and Alken brought back alken is vibing in his room in FULL confusion cause he's like tf,,,, she smelled like some shit (my mate bond story is where they need to smell AND touch that person to know for sure if it is their mate) and he's like that DID NOT feel like a mate thing but then again it fawking could be cause that wasn't normal either

(I would also like to mention he is the alphas son )

We switch povs at SOME point not this soon in tho and we find out that girl in the woods was from another pack not too far away and she is a betas kid and she thought their whole encounter was weird af we also find out her name is Lilliana

<sneak peak they're NOT mates>

Skip M O N T H S later
Alkens pack needs to go to Lilliana's packs territory to see if they can work out some Alliance and alkens dad said he could come and get some experience before he becomes alpha
They get there and Alken is like THERES THAT WEIRD ASS SCENT AGAIN (it's not bad he just ain't used to it)

<another sneak peek the alpha from Lilliana's pack kept all of his kiddos in their rooms because he didn't want them to be trying to make decisions he couldn't get out of>

So both the alpha dads got to work and Alken was just kind of there being like TF is this smell just WRACKING his brain then he pulls his dad to the side at some point and tells his dad now his dad obv just laughs cause he knows what's up and tells the other alpha who laughs with him but NEITHER of them tell Alken what's going on but instead say "you'll find out in a few years" and then alken has to go home still super confused

Skip a few years he's all grown up now (and of course he's gonna be a big huge guy but he's also precious and likes flowers and shit)

So alkens dad is like hey bro coke with me we gonna go to the norrell pack (Lilliana's pack) and he's like seems sus but ok and goes with him.... this time Lilliana's there and he's like, howdy and shit cause he's cute and he still smells that mcfrickin smell and she's like heyyyyo being nice and stuff cause she knows who his mate is but he doesn't and his mate doesn't know who he is either (Lilliana's a little sneaky sneak and loves this inside joke with her alpha guy) now we're gonna find out that the alpha dude bro is kinda ready to just retire and live his life with his Luna in peace so he brought all his kiddos to this meeting to find out

Well shocker the scent is STRONK and alken pulls his dad aside and is like "BRO this is it TF IF GOING ON YOU SAID I WOULD UNDERSTAND LATER WELL NOW IS LATER AND I DO NOT UNDERSTAND " and his dad is CRACKING UP and the other alpha bro is not *quite* as humored this time but still chuckles at how clueless our poor baby boi is
Now we switch to the mates POV even tho we haven't met her yet (shocker she's the alphas daughter) she's been talking to Lilliana since the last time alken was here and she accidentally caught a whiff of him when she was trying to sneak a snack from the kitchen to her room now this time she's here and she's like WOAH SHIT THATS THE SMELL FROM ALL THOSE YEARS AGO and then SHE pulls Lilliana to the restroom and is like BITCH MY MATE IS HERE AND WAS HERE ALL THOSE YEARS AGO AND YOU MCFUCKING KNEWWWWWWW and Lilliana's just DYING laughing and she tells Mrs mate ma'am (name is Elizabeth but everyone calls her Eliza or Liz/Lizzy but he ain't know that yet) that she needs to pretend that she has no clue and also slips that elizas dad knows (he's name is gonna be Greg or some shit) and Eliza is FUMING but pretends to be clueless when she walks back into the room (now being shook by the scent and finding it more difficult to chill her wolf tf out also her wolfs name is Aphrodite and his wolfs name is undecided ) but they go through it monthly until
Back to alkens POV and he finally speaks up about it unable to keep his mind off of it and he's like "ok hi I'm sorry but this is driving me insane may I please shake your hand to make sure of something just real quickly" looking directly at Elizabeth and her dad is kinda like NOooooooo inside but also understands that he's a sweet boi and Elizabeth is like FUCK but also says yes and so he shakes her hand and
The he looks up SO EXCITED and is like "YAY IM SO GLAD ITS YOU!!!!" And then turns to his dad all pissed and was like "and you KNEW??? Why didn't you tell me??" Then Elizabeth turns his head to her and tells her that apparently everyone in that room but the two of them knew and he's just like "well shit, I'm sorry I was so stupid" and he tries to laugh it off and just walk back to his dad even tho his wolf is FREAKINH THE FUCK OUT and then she goes all "fuck no" pulls him out into the hallway and says "I'm sure the two of you can fill us in on the rest of the meeting later" for a slight payback for keeping them in the dark for so long

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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