Chapter 5.

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Pose baby Brennen said holding his phone up I posed and he took a picture 'you look so cute" he said showing me the picture I smiled he post the picture on his Instagram

Pose baby Brennen said holding his phone up I posed and he took a picture 'you look so cute" he said showing me the picture I smiled he post the picture on his Instagram

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(That's what CJ looks like and that was also the picture he posted)

Your eyes look brown in that picture he said

They're hazel I said he chuckled and we headed back to the apartment Brennen sat his camera up I laughed as Colby and him danced

Wassup guys so you guys liked when we recreated fuck boy musically's and what are we recreating today babe Brennen asked me

we're gonna recreate fuck girl musically's I said I laughed as they put stuff in there shirts like they were boobs I reached in Brennen's shirt fixing them

Wait bro yours look real Colby laughed my jaw dropped as a girls tits were shown i covered Brennen's eyes watching

why do you get to watch Brennen asked me

Jesus Colby and I said seeing a girls huming each other

Oh wait how do you do that Colby asked as a girl belly danced

Oh it's easy I said

wait you can do that Brennen asked I nodded I watched the thing doing all the belly dances that popped up "HOW DO YOU DO THAT" he yelled I laughed

It's easy I said Brennen lowered the camera a bit as they tried to do it but Brennen was just shaking his butt I laughed and sat on the couch Brennen told them to subscribe and all the jizz

This is what Colby looks like when he comes to my house Brennen said weirdly I looked up from my laptop watching them be weird I grabbed my things and headed out since I had a concert to go to that I was gonna be in I ran back stage getting ready

And welcome to the stage CJ the guy yelled I laughed walking out as people screamed I looked seeing Brennen, Clare, and Colby I sat down and started to sing Most girls by me

As I finished the song I did one of my favorite songs I made

I smiled as I sang seeing people take there phones out turning there flashlight and doing that one thing and then one of my most famous songs Scars to your Beautiful I smiled as people sang along

No better you than the you that you are I sang I stopped as they yelled

No better you than the you that you are they yelled

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